- Chapter One

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Life is suck.

I can't fucking escape to these motherfucker police, can't let me take drugs.

At least i work on the club now for fun, but still.. This is hell than I thought, a lot of these fucking men's want to fuck with me but they also end up disagreeing.

"shit! These police are so fucking annoying, I wanna fucking break their asshole's but I fucking don't have any weapons here with me.. I'm fucking stuck in this stupid mall." I thought myself.

I spotted many goofy police around and I fucking can't escape and some of them is guarding the exit.. This bitch, luckily I fucking wore some jacket and clothes so they won't recognize me.. Fuck I heard a police behind me,"miss, miss?" fuck! I'm dead.

A purple haired man suddenly stopped me in front of him, "Hey babe, I was looking for you.." the purple man smiled at me, oh I got it.
"I was just looking for you too babe" I smiled back, I felt the police behind me stopped and left the both of us when this purple man came.

"shit!" I shouted, the purple man covered my mouth to shut, "shh, don't make any excuses.. They're still here" he whispered, after the police left i stopped being with him, I stood up and i was about to leave him alone but he'd stop me "hey wait."

I turned around and he asked me what is my fucking name, "It's non of your fucking business" I replied, "oh yes it is now, and I saved you from that police.. Are you really not gonna tell?" he whispered, I shake my head as a no.. "Ran haitani.. how fucking pathetic are you.." he hissed.

"I am, so what's about it? What are you gonna do? Fuck me from how pathetic i am? Pft, how cruel." I muttered, he gave me a smirked on his face and then laughed at me. "oh, maybe I can fuck you right now." he mewled.

I rolled my eyes to him and turned around, "you can't, and i still have a lot to do so bye, Mr. Haitani" I whispered, "you'd work on Adonis club didn't you?" he added, my face went shocked when he did just said that, "see you around~" the purple man walked away.

That's a freaking waste of time when my boss called me to go back from work.. this shit, luckily i buy a new lingerie and dresses for me, I exit at the back of the mall since there's no police gather around there.


Fuck i'm late! I even dressed myself in my car and I don't have a time right now, I went inside still nervous that my boss might get angry at me, but the opposite is true.

I saw my boss standing infront of the door already, he stopped me with his eyes and smiled at me, fucking weird.

"Ms. L/n, you're just in time.." he whispered, what the fuck? I'm literally late for fucking 20 minutes, he leaned closer beside me and whisper something when he put his arm around my shoulder, while his other hands holding a glass of wine.

"since you're criminal," my head flew when he'd already known I'm a criminal, "see that man over there? yes.. I want you to devastated his life.. Hands over, make sure you'll set yourself good, and slowly steal his wallet, I'll give you an extra tip later.." he added while the glass of wine pointed at the man with the pinkette hair.

"not a problem.. boss," I smirked.

I approached the Pinkette man, he turned his gaze on my as I sat down on his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck, the eyes on his face i see, we both got an eye contact and waited for me to respond. "you seem to be alone, Mr.."

"haruchiyo." he smirked

"Mr. Haruchiyo.. You're all alone and sad.. Do you want me to satisfy you?" I whispered with a flirty tone as our eyes met again, and i started to gently caress his shoulders to get his attention more and more..

"are you sure?.. But first.. Do you take drugs?" he asked.

I smirked and nodded as a response, "oh well, you seem to be my next." he added, his other hand slid on his pocket taking out a drugs in his hand.
"would you?.." he asked,

Yeah I take pills that's why the police kept finding me, I'm also a robber, manipulating, killer and everything that makes me crazy.. I do take pills but I don't want today..

I needed the money so i took the pill on his hand and swallow it on my throat gulped, his hands wrapped around my waist leaning me against him.. But just in time a two man came closer to us, the other one looks familiar?


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