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Y/n L/n
a.k.a mikazuki koharu
26 yrs old
criminal, drugs user, weapon user, sniper

The Eldest daughter of the koharu family, her eyes were gloming red when she is jealous, pissed, mad, uncomfortable, laughing, or anything that made her in the mood or made her psycho. shows a lot of courage and is always ready to put herself in harm's way when necessary. She was Brainwashed too much by his ex-boyfriend and that's why she is in this situation.

Mikomi koharu
24 yrs old
Male, mikazuki's brother
criminology / police

The youngest son of the koharu family, his eyes were the same as mikazuki they are like twins when they are just little ones. but it was too late that he couldn't save his sister by Brainwashed. he become police to find or protect his sister but just like mikazuki, she was avoiding him for so long. but he won't give up that easily.

Akira velimara
26 yrs old
criminal / weapon user

The youngest daughter of the velimara, She was y/n bestfriend since they have met, they become very closer not until both of them changed after some years and they couldn't do anything but to make themselves happy like killing people or anything.

Akiro velimara
28 yrs old
Male / Akira's brother
Distraction in crime.

The Eldest son of the velimara family, Mikazuki, Akira and him were trio as if now and it's a shame they have a same situation as Akira his sister, he liked mikazuki after all time, because of her personality and anything bout her, anyway back to the topic, he was the one who trained with mikazuki and now they were both expert.

Ran haitani
31 yrs old
Weapon user, co-ceo

Ran is naturally whimsical toward others which makes him inscrutable; he is also independent in his own right and only holds regard for his younger brother who he used to govern the district of Roppongi, ran is usually just a typical man and take his own life easy.

Rindou Haitani
30 yrs old
Weapon user, co-ceo, strength, known as Dj, executive

Rindou was actually ran's little brother and they have a same vibe and situation at all, he's a green flag of the haitani's, he fully expert his strength. He loves to play dj in his room especially at clubs. Both of his brother were the executives of the gang called Bonten.

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