- Chapter Fourteen

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Exactly, we decided to pack our things before eating up a dinner since this will be very long. Yet, he won't be starting to pack his things because he has some a short meeting and I was alone with th maid's and he told me he would be back at nine. It was already ten and he wasn't still home.

Should I wait him? Maybe.

Well his flight were exact eleven

He told me to use his other luggage before leaving me, I'm still not in a mood to pack my things so i went on his garden for some fresh air and watch the sunset sunk. Yes the view on his garden was the best I could really see those beautiful nature's.

While sitting down on the stone behind the bush, and watching the sunset sunk in half someone tapped my shoulder behind. I turned around and it was one of ran's maid, she's miya, the youngest maid of ran's.

"ma'am, Mr. Haitani ran is already here.. He would like to see you. He's waiting for you on his office." she spoken smiling. I bowed even though I don't want to leave yet.

She watched me walk further as i went straight on his office, I knocked before entering. His eyes were flirty tired as hell, he needs a sleep.

"May i help you?" i asked, he shook his head onto me. He didn't respond nor talked, he just stood up and came towards to me, he groaned before he landed his head onto my shoulders and his hand hugged me.

I stepped forward before I placed my hand on his back, he was saying something flirty and telling me something that I couldn't understand, was he drunk? Perfectly his room were just ten steps so i immediately dragged him into his room.

I lay him down and his hand couldn't barely won't stop touching my hair.

"i fucking love you.." he groaned,

he was drunk. Really freaking drunk. Well did he went straight to the bar before going home? That's a guess. His phone ding on his pocket. Must be important so i checked it to see a unknown number. The text says,

"hey babe, are you home? It's Alicia"

Yeah perhaps. That's what I saw, so fucking cringe, who the fuck is this? I had no time for some chats so I replied quickly before throwing the phone beside him.

"no shut up."

I replied.

Before I could move, ran harshly pulled me down on his chest and I didn't have a time to inhale at once. "hmpp!" I moved and finally got out.

Now fuck this time up, he can't be drunk. He's flight is today,

When I turned him around i saw an hickeys on his collar bone and a marked lipstick, my eyes grew to see four of marked red lipstick on his neck and collar bone. I felt flustered and weak. He met with a girl, and that girl must be that clingy girl i texted on his phone. I shook my head to snap it out.

Yet, I still have sanzu's number so if i could just contact him to help me with this old man. I tapped on my phone to call for help and just in a few seconds, he answered it. And when i turned my volume on the half it was freaking loud, they're fucking on the club.

"hell yeah?" he whispered on the phone.

"did you goddammit brought ran on the club?!" I hissed.

"yes why." his voice sounds he wasn't drunk so i asked him if he could help me and he agreed, he apologized before he hung the phone.

I stood on the bed and looked for his luggage and when I spotted it, it was quite heavy already, did he already pack his things up? A maid came in and it was miya holding one of ran's suit. She was shocked to see me but she didn't care and held me the suit.

Yeah, she's the one who helped within.

She left me alone in the room and I took a peek on ran's luggage to fit this last suit. I was peeking through the slide door winder and finally saw sanzu, he came out with rindou, kokonoi, takeomi, mochi, and kakucho as usual. I'm sure mikey won't show up and probably asleep.

They knocked and miya opened it for them, I didn't go down nor went downstairs I waited for them to come, they all looked disgusted when they saw ran in this situation.

Kokonoi approached me and told that they would come with us since they were included on ran's company. Thankfully they have a luxurious van and it was from koko.

Kakucho and takeomi helped with the luggage and Rindou and sanzu helped sleepy tired ran. I have a small conversation with kokonoi again til we've reached the van outside.

Sanzu and Rindou dragged ran on the back seat of the van which is i followed, and i was right. Mikey was asleep on the front seat. After takeomi and kakucho finished with the luggage, they went inside the van and one of kokonoi's butler drove off.

Ran were resting his back while his head slid onto my shoulder, I gasped. "yeah y/n I forgot to tell. He truly make out with a girl earlier and he was already drunk that time and we couldn't stop him nor the girl. That girl won't stop kissing ran. Of course we're disgusted." koko stuttered.

"Yeah right, I don't care."

"doubt it."

Koko and i started an argument because of what happened and ran groaned on my shoulder when he slid his head on my lap, this kiddo. "You're probably jealous y/n." koko teased. "but my face don't." i uttered.

"whatever, I fucking don't care if they even fucked infront of my eyes." i considered. Mikey woke up because of our voice and his hair was a big mess. Rindou seems pissed off on his face already.

The car went silence after the argument and I was rubbing ran's hair looking on the same direction where mikey was looking. Ran's face were facing my stomach and he was calm breathing. And finally we've arrived, it was a very long trip to get to the terminal.

Well we all wouldn't have to wait because haitani's father brought a private luxury plane, this cost something that i can't afford. All of us were on the emirates first class.

Rindou were on the left side of the plane, ran and i were on the right side. Surely it was cold.

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