- Chapter Two

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The familiar tall guy eyes went straight to mine "you again?" he pointed his eyes to me which the others turned their gaze on me and the purple tall guy, "What are you doing here?" he added while walking towards to us.

"Non of your business," I replied, he gave a smirk, you didn't care anyway as you faced the pink mullet man and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"alright, cut it off.." he uttered glaring at the pink mullet man. "just what do you want man, you're ruining my day, I just want to fuck some girls." the pink mullet man replied. "her." the older brother spoke.

"no thank you."

I laughed in his site as i stood up and leaned closer to him "me? oh daddy.. I'll come with you if you'll give me your last money.." that shouldn't be spoken from me. "bet, here's my card. Used it anytime you want. Just come with me, my crowd pleaser." he smirked throwing a black card on my face, "not enough.." I muttered in teased, he then throw a few more black card on my face.

"stupid, get it for me then i'll go with you this time now.." I smirked back as my heels were taping the floor, crossing my arms while looking at him. "dang this girl is feisty i've ever seen haruchiyo." the youngest haitani whispered at the back. His face turned onto me as he kneel down on his knees and grabbed those black cards he throws.

"dang! It's the first time we've ever seen you kneel down for a girl.. I mean women." sanzu joined. My smirks went wide as he stood up looking embarrassed while holding the black cards. "what's wrong daddy?" I teased as i wrapped hands around his neck. "fuck you."

His weaknessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن