Chapter 4

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They both started undressing. Ian took a glance, his eyes traveled down Anthony's toned stomach, he stared for a moment until he looked up and caught Anthony's gaze, he had a small smile on his face, Ian returned the smile and continued to undress.

Anthony stepped into the bath and sat down, Ian got in immediately after him, he sat down and lay his head against Anthony's chest, Anthony put his arm around his waist. They both sat with their eyes closed, just letting the hot water relax their muscles.

"I really am truly sorry Ian." Anthony spoke.

Ian's eyes flung open as he sat up to look at Anthony.

"You don't need to keep apologising. I accept your apology, I know you didn't mean anything by what you said." Ian began, "I'm the one that should really be apologising though, I blew this whole thing out of proportion and completely overreacted, If I hadn't done that then there wouldn't have been a fight, so I just want to say I'm sorry too."

"Apology accepted." Anthony smiled, pulling Ian into a hug.

Ian gave Anthony a quick kiss and moved to sit at the other end of the bath, they smiled at each other, Ian then splashed some water in Anthony's face.

"Oh, two can play at that game." Anthony replied mischievously, splashing water at Ian.

They laughed and continued their little water fight.

Anthony then grabbed a huge pile of bubbles and placed it on Ian's head, "Bubble bowl!" He exclaimed laughing.

"Oh hell no, you did not just mess up the bowl." Ian replied sassily.

Anthony burst out laughing. Ian reached his hand round and turned the shower head on, Anthony's hair was immediately drenched, Ian continued laughing as he turned the water off.

"The curly hair shall return." Ian joked.

Anthony didn't really like the way his hair naturally curled and he'd always straighten it, but Ian loved his natural hair so it was really a bonus for him so he could wake up to a curly haired Anthony tomorrow.

"You dick." Anthony responded, running a hand through his hair.

"Sorry, nobody messes with the bowl and gets away with it." Ian smirked. Anthony was trying to look annoyed but a small smile crept up.

Ian leaned forward, closer to him. "Plus I love your natural hair, so any chance I have to see it I'll take." He spoke softly, then leaned down and pressed their lips together. Anthony cupped his face and deepened the kiss.

They pulled away and smiled at each other. "Ready to get out?" Ian asked, Anthony nodded and pulled the plug out.

They got out, grabbed their towels and wrapped them round their waists. They reached up into the cabinet on the wall and got their toothbrushes and toothpaste.

"I'm just going to use the toilet." Ian said after they'd brushed their teeth.

Anthony exited the bathroom and made his way to the bedroom. He quickly shoved on a pair of boxers and some checkered pj bottoms, he sat down on the bed and opened his laptop. Ian walked into the room a couple seconds later. Anthony wasn't paying any attention.

Ian started getting changed, he was just about to put on a shirt when he saw himself in the mirror, he immediately thought back to the photos of Chris and how toned he was, this made Ian feel slightly rubbish about himself.

Anthony was now lying back on the bed, with his laptop on him, he looked up to see Ian at the mirror looking at himself, twiddling a shirt in his fingers, he was looking rather sad. Anthony knew what was wrong, he didn't want Ian to feel like this, Ian was perfect, he preferred that Ian wasn't super toned and muscular.

"Oh my god, I swear you just want me to pop a boner right now. Seriously stop with the attractiveness, I can't take it, it's too much." Anthony said dramatically waving his hands about. Ian just smiled, Anthony smiled back.

"Now get that sexy ass of your's over here and come cuddle with me." Anthony requested with a smirk and patted the covers beside him. Ian put on his shirt and climbed into the bed and lay down, wrapping his arms around Anthony.

"Speaking of attractiveness, look at this one really hot guy on my lock screen." Anthony said grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he pressed the button and turned it to show Ian. Ian looked at the screen for a second, he then realised it was a photo of himself, he laughed.

"You're so stupid," he chuckled, "but in a cute way."

"Yeah but you're just as stupid, and as cute." Anthony replied smiling.

"Yeah, I think we make a great match." Ian squeezed Anthony a little tighter.

"Definitely." Anthony agreed, kissing Ian's head.

"I love you." Ian replied.

"*gasp* What a coincidence because I love you, which just proves that we are the perfect match." Anthony replied, he heard Ian giggle, which made him smile.

He moved the laptop onto the floor and slipped under the covers more until he was facing Ian, they stared into each other's eyes, smiling. Anthony pulled Ian close and kissed him softly. Ian snuggled into Anthony's chest, he could hear his heart beating.

"Good night, I love you." Anthony said quietly.

"Night, love you too." Ian replied closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep, feeling safe in Anthony's arms.

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