Chapter 7

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They picked up dinner and headed to Anthony's apartment. Once inside, they placed their food on the table, Anthony poured them both a glass of water, and Ian got the script out of his backpack.

"So, we just have to finish the ending of this script." Ian said, as Anthony sat down on the opposite side of the table.

"Okay." Anthony replied, opening his food.

They ate whilst both putting in their own ideas for the script.

"Yeah, that sounds good." Ian said as he thought about how to put Anthony's idea into words.

Anthony leaned back in his chair, he looked at Ian, who was scribbling words onto the paper.

"You seemed like you were enjoying that today...." Anthony spoke, breaking the silence.

"What...?" Ian replied, his attention still on the paper.

"The dance." Anthony answered.

Ian looked up at Anthony. "Where's all this coming from?" He questioned. "You're not seriously getting jealous over a silly little punishment for a video, are you...?"

Anthony got up to put his plate and glass in the sink. He rested his hands on the counter, facing away from Ian. He suddenly felt a hand rubbing his back, but didn't look at him.

"So now you're not even going to speak to me?" Ian sighed removing his hand from Anthony's back, leaning against the counter with his arms folded.

"Don't try and act like you wouldn't be annoyed if it'd been the other way round!" Anthony said in raised voice, moving away from the counter. "If I'd had to dance with him, you'd have been pissed, but then again....I wouldn't have been as into it."

"I wasn't into it!" Ian snapped back, "And I wouldn't have been pissed because I knew it was a joke."

"Oh really.....remember how annoyed you got when I looked at another guy."

Ian shook his head, "That was completely different and you know it!"

"How?!" Anthony questioned.

"Because David is our friend and we were just joking about for the video. Plus he's married. We barely know Chris, and you freely choose to stare at him, I had every right to be jealous, we didn't even know his sexuality until today." Ian defended.

Anthony just sighed heavily and started to walk away.

"Where are you going now?" Ian questioned walking after him.

"The shower." Anthony replied bluntly, not turning round to face him and locking himself in the bathroom.

Ian flopped back onto the bed, he stared at the ceiling and sighed, running a hand through his hair. Pip jumped onto the bed, Ian petted him, he lay down and purred as he snuggled into Ian.

Anthony turned the water on and undressed, he stepped in, letting the hot water hit his face. He put his hand on the wall and lowered his head, his hair immediately becoming drenched, he let out a sigh as he thought about Ian.


Ian had been laying on the bed for about 15 minutes, he was starting to wonder what was taking Anthony so long. He got up from the bed and undressed down to his boxers. He got a butter knife from the kitchen drawer, went over to the bathroom door and picked the lock with the knife.

He quietly slipped into the bathroom, placed the knife down and closed the door, making as little noise as he could. He removed his boxers, stepped into the shower and wrapped his arms around Anthony's waist. Anthony was startled, almost slipping.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Ian said with a small laugh.

Anthony turned round, Ian still hugging his waist. "Please let's not fight." He said softly.

Anthony hesitated for a moment before hugging Ian back. "I'm sorry."

They pulled back. "It's okay," Ian replied, raising a hand and rubbing Anthony's cheek. They smiled at each other, leaned in and kissed.

After they'd showered, they got out and wrapped their towels round themselves.

"Um....why is there a knife here?" Anthony asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I used it to unlock the door. Don't worry I wasn't planning on murdering you or anything." Ian said with a laugh. Anthony smirked, shaking his head.

They made their way out of the bathroom, Anthony walked round to the kitchen and placed the knife back in the drawer. As he walked back over to the bed, he was stopped in his tracks. Ian was currently naked, drying himself off. Anthony just stared, admiring at how good Ian looked, his eyes travelled slowly downwards and then back up again. He was met with a smiling Ian, Anthony blushed and gave him a small smile.

Once they were both dressed, they made their way over to the couch and cuddled up together. They sat like that for a few hours, just catching up on shows they'd missed. It was currently after midnight, they weren't filming tomorrow so they didn't have to go to sleep early, but they were both getting tired.

Anthony was looking through his phone with one hand, his other one wrapped around Ian, as he lay against his chest. He heard Ian mumble, presuming he was asleep, he ignored it and continued scrolling through twitter.

"Mmmm.....D-David..." He heard Ian mumble. Anthony looked down, "Is he dreaming about Lasercorn?!" He thought to himself.

"Shh...don't tell Anthony." He heard Ian breath out. Anthony's eyes widened.

" he dream cheating on me?! What does that mean?!" Anthony was broken from his thoughts when he heard Ian laugh.

"Sorry I couldn't hold it in any longer." Ian laughed, turning and looking up at him.

"What....?" Anthony asked confused.

"I wasn't actually asleep, it was a joke." Ian answered, immediately laughing again.

"You dick." Anthony replied pushing Ian onto the floor. He folded his arms, putting on an annoyed face trying to conceal a smile.

Ian sat up, he ran his hands along Anthony's thighs. "Come on you know you want to laugh." Ian breathed, now leaning up close to Anthony's face. Anthony expected a kiss, but instead Ian just mischievously smiled and began to tickle him.

Ian got on top of him. "S-S-Stop!!" Anthony said through laughs, trying to push him off. Ian held both his wrists, Anthony leaned up and kissed him, Ian immediately let go and cupped Anthony's face. Anthony placed his hand on the back of Ian's head, pulling him down, as he moved into a laying position on the couch.

They were making out when they felt something lightly tickling their cheeks, they both stopped and looked over to see Pip staring back at them, he meowed.

"I guess that's his way of telling us he wants us to stop. It's getting pretty late anyways, I know we're not filming tomorrow but we should still get a good sleep." Anthony said.

Ian sat up and pouted his bottom lip, "Cuddles?".

Anthony just smiled at him.

"Yay!" Ian cheered in a childlike voice, clapping his hands. He got off Anthony and made his way to the bed.

Anthony was still smiling as he watched Ian walk away. He got up and turned the TV and lamps off. He made his way to the bed, and slipped under the covers. He reached up and turned his bedside lamp off, then moved closer to Ian and wrapped his arm around him.

"I love you so much," he whispered close to Ian's ear and placed a kiss on his cheek, "Good night."

"I love you too, good night." Ian replied in a hushed tone. He intertwined their fingers, lifting Anthony's hand up and placed a small kiss on the back.

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