Chapter 9

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~Saturday night~

"Babe, come on." Anthony said, knocking on the bathroom door, "We're going to be late."

"Alright...alright, I'm ready. Calm down." Ian said as he opened the door.


They got into Anthony's car, Ian pulled maps up on his phone and typed in the address of the restaurant. He text Chris.

"Just left. Should be there in around twenty minutes."

He got an immediate response.

"Great. We're on our way, almost there. We'll wait in the car till you guys get here :)"


They arrived at the restaurant, found a parking space close to Chris' and exited the car. They saw Chris and his girlfriend walking over to them, they waved.

"Hey guys." Chris greeted, "This is my girlfriend Sara."

"Nice to meet you guys." Sara said, shaking both their hands.

"Nice to meet you too." Ian and Anthony said in unison.

Sara was very beautiful, it was obvious she had Hispanic ethnicity. Her hair was long and dark, it flowed in soft curls over her shoulders and back. Her eyes were a dark shade of brown; her makeup worked well with them. She was wearing a white bodycon dress, that had mid-length sleeves; it complimented her tan skin. She wore black heels, that brought her up to the same height as Ian and carried a black clutch to match.

Once inside, the waitress escorted them to their table. They ordered some drinks and started looking through the menus. Their drinks arrived and they ordered their food.

"So how'd you guys find out about this place?" Anthony asked.

"A friend of mine recommend it. I'm a vegetarian and she knows that I'm always looking for new places to try because a lot of the time I hate the vegetarian food in restaurants. So yeah, we tried here and loved it, and now we come here all the time." Sara answered.

"Yeah, being vegan I know what you mean. Although living in LA, it's a lot easier living a vegan diet. It was fine living in Sacramento when I wasn't, but now there wouldn't be a lot of choice of places for me to eat." Anthony said. Sara nodded her head in agreement.

Their food finally arrived and they began eating.

"'d you guys meet?" Sara asked.

They took turns telling different parts of the story, from when they met in sixth grade, to becoming best friends and starting Smosh, until finally realising they had feelings for each other and giving it a chance as a couple.

"And five months later, here we are." Ian said with a smile, he felt Anthony squeeze his hand a little under the table.

"Awww, that is such a cute story." Sara squealed, she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Well what about you guys, how'd you meet?" Ian asked.

"You know, pretty generic. Party. Friends introduced us. I thought she was hot." Chris began.

"I thought he was hot. Asked me out. Couple dates." Sara continued.

"And....BAM!" Chris said with a clap.

"Year and a half later, here we are." Sara finished.

They all smiled.

They continued to chat, just getting to know each other better. Sara revealed that she was a masseuse, Chris talked about his architect work, Ian and Anthony talked about Smosh and explained how the whole YouTube thing works.

Once they'd finished their food, Ian got up and headed to the toilets.

Whilst he was in the stall he heard the main bathroom door open and close; he thought nothing of it. Once he'd finished, he made his way out to wash his hands. A second later another man joined him at the sinks. Ian looked up into the mirror, he saw the other man looking at him with a small smirk on his face. Ian felt quite awkward, he hesitantly cracked a small smile. He walked over and dried his hand in the dryer.

He began to make his way to the door, when suddenly the man moved in front of him, stopping him from leaving.

"Uhhh....Can I help you....?" Ian asked, he was becoming extremely uncomfortable.

"I've been watching you all night." The man breathed out, now closer to Ian's face.

Ian could smell the alcohol in the man's breath. He could feel his heart beating faster in his chest. The man leaned in a placed his lips against Ian's.

Ian's eyes widened, immediately pushing him away. "What the hell?! What do you think you're doing?!" Ian shouted.

"Oh come on, don't be like that." The man said, trying to pull him in again.

"Stop!! Get the hell away from me!! I already have a boyfriend!!" Ian demanded, aggressively pushing the man off him.

"Oh so you wanna play rough, do ya? Well two can play at that game." The man said, a mischievous smirk appearing across his face. Ian began to panic. The man lunged forward, pushing Ian hard against the wall.

The man started kissing him aggressively, moving his hands down to unbutton Ian's shirt. Ian was now crying. The man was much stronger than he was and he was unable to move him off. Ian wasn't religious but in that moment, he stared up to the ceiling,tears still escaping his eyes and he prayed in his head, for Anthony, for anybody; just somebody to save him from this moment.

"A-Anthony...." Ian said sobbing.

"Shut it!" The man said in a serious tone.

Ian feared what the man might do to him if he didn't cooperate, so he kept quiet.


(A/N) Oooooo cliffhanger. I actually felt kind of bad writing this chapter, i was like "Aww poor Ian." But don't worry nothing bad will happen, or will it? You'll just have to read and find out. ;)

Byeee guys, hope you have an awesome day. <3

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