So, What Do You Think? Just As Nice As The Other One, Right?

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A/N: Hey, what's up? Unexpected? Yeah, kinda. I had a different idea originally, but this one would come out quicker. Plus it would be a nice chapter to commemorate the new gen. Also, more manager interactions. Anyhow, have this instead. A manager-focused chapter with the inclusion of EN Advent.


Before we begin, I need to introduce a new writing style. Due to FuwaMoco's energetic two-livers-at-once style, it is essential that I create a new form to better express how they communicate.

Fuwawa: "Manager-san!" Mococo: "Manager-san!" Fuwawa: "We're going to be introduced this chapter!" *Mococo laughs* "It's super exciting!"

Y/N: "Along with your other gen mates."

Fuwawa: "Like Shiori, Nerissa-" Mococo: "And Bijou!"  Fuwawa: "Then there's us!" *The two laugh* Fuwawa/Mococo: "Let's get started already!"

As you can tell, they're talking in the same line. This is different from the usual at the same time. 

Mococo/Fuwawa(Same time): "We're being used as an example!"

(Same line) Mococo: "It's fairly simple-" Fuwawa: "It's super simple!"

FuwaMoco often interrupt each other or talk at the same time. They sometimes laugh while the other is talking. One starts talking and the other finishes. That's why I've devised this new style. Anyhow, let's start the chapter.


This morning hasn't been an eventful one. He woke up and found no intruders. Going downstairs, he found zero people making themselves comfortable. While it sounds strange, he's almost gotten used to having unannounced guests. Regardless, he goes through with his morning routine. 

Y/N: A perfectly normal morning? How strange. 

After burning his breakfast, he takes a shower and gets dressed.

Y/N: *He sighs* Well, at least the water didn't catch on fire. Mio's lessons seem to be paying off. Choco-sensei's meal plan also looks great. Too bad I can't cook any of it. There has to be a chef in Hololive. The girls are so diverse, so there's no doubt! I just haven't met her yet. I'm sure she can teach me how to be decent. 

After reassuring himself that he's not unteachable, he heads to work. Traffic isn't as bad as normal today. He has no problem making it to the office early. Entering the office, he spots a giant pentagram in the middle of the office.

Y/N: "Do I wanna ask?"

Aloe: "Nice of you to join us, Senpai."

Yagoo: "Y/N-san, nice to see you bright and early."

Y/N: "Motoaki-san, what's all this about?"

A purple mist explodes into the room.

???: "You stand in the presence of the world's greatest magic user. Bow down before my epic appearance! The mage of violet. The purple warlock of madness. The magenta sorcerer supreme. My spectacular power is coveted by many! But only I can be trusted to wield it. Praise me. Worship me if you so please. Bend a knee to my breathtaking power. All those who don't will not be spared from my wrath!"

In the middle of the room stands an incredibly smug shion.

In the middle of the room stands an incredibly smug shion

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