Let's Do Our Best To Set A Good Example.

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A/N: Welcome. Yes, yes. I'm back. I've actually got four different chapters already planned. One of which will come out soon. Today we'll be continuing our EN adventure with the return of the managers. It's been a long time coming, but Y/N now has the opportunity to meet his overseas co-workers. 

While they did want to hurry, they got distracted by the various stores around town. Y/N has to remind himself each time that he can't keep the others waiting. Eventually, they make it back to the office where everyone is waiting for them.

A-chan: "There you are."

Silver: "Why are you late?"

Y/N: "When you think about it, I was early. You're all late."

Blonde: "Um... I've been here the entire time."

Y/N: "Except you, miss..."

Blonde: "Jenma."

Silver: "Oh, right. Role call is in order." *She points to herself* "Omegaα. I'm the first EN manager."

Y/N: "Is the floating passive?"

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Y/N: "Is the floating passive?"

Omegaα: "Yes. Also, my right is mechanical. Rest assured, it is much stronger than yours. The colors of my uniform and eyes are imaginary. No human could possibly replicate or conceive them. If you intend to gift me clothes of a similar color, talk to my creator. Alternatively, I'm fine with whatever I'm gifted. My birthday is the 32nd of December. I play the bass and bloodborne. Cats over dogs. I enjoy winter and love winter onsens. Dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate due to its health properties. Similarly, tea is healthier and better for you than coffee. Pancakes over waffles. Cookies and cream is the best ice cream flavor. Unlike you, I can cook."

Y/N: "A-Anything else?"

Omegaα: "If you put milk before cereal, then I'm legally allowed to kill you."

Y/N: "Well, that was informative."

Omegaα: "That's the point. Hopefully, with that information, you will no longer consider me a stranger. It is much harder to work with a complete stranger than one knows."

Y/N: *He nods* I understand completely. "No, I know what you're talking about."

Omegaα: "That is mentally impossible. Naturally, I've already heard all about you. But for formality's sake, do feel free to tell me about yourself."

Y/N: "I work for cover as a 3D and VR specialist. I try and get home each by twenty-two to give myself time to catch up with my favorite shows. I also enjoy cats more, but I had a dog growing up. I have eight siblings. I enjoy a cream soda over plain ice cream. I really enjoy wearing fancy suits, but they're all above my pay grade. The coat I wear was once owned by my father. Who in turn also inherited it from his father and so on and so forth. Also, I enjoy my tamagoyaki sweet not savory."

Omegaα: "It seems I did learn something new about you. But seeing as we will probably never see each other again, I doubt knowing your tamagoyaki preference is notable." Unless...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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