Last kiss

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A/N: Am i writing this 10 minutes after publishing the first chapter? Yes. Why? Because I don't want to do my math homework. (Life update because no one asked. I failed my math exam, i got my new braces, got a c in physics and a b in English)

You landed in a field of flowers.
"Who do we have here?" An older women with blonde hair with brown roots looked down at you.
"Erm, my name is Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N I'm from gaveldon and I don't know where I am, ok i do but I don't know what I'm doing here exactly I'm not "good"."
You say almost out of breath.
"Well hello Y/N my name is Dovey and I'm the dean of the school for goood and you're at the right place. Now we better go patch you up."
She clapped and before you could say anything she grabbed your wrist and pulled you with her. You had to walk quick cause she almost ran.
"I still don't get why exactly I am here, aren't there more princessy girls and boys ,like more than me at least."
You say still confused about why you are here as she grabbed your shoulders to make you sit down in a chair.
"Well you see, we got your letter where you said you are looking for a family and even though they were just those words on paper you meant something and we could definitely see it in the way you wrote the letter. You are good, you are an Everrr not a never. Well moving on what colour do you want to wear the Ceremony will start soon." The women could talk for ours not having to catch a breath that's impressive you thought. And her smile never left her face.
"I guess black but I see you don't have anything in black so..... purple?"
Dovey went to one of her big closets and pulled out a mesmerizing purple dress with the smallest and most beautiful butterfly's all over it.
"I can't wear that it's you-"
"No my dear its yours now I love sharing with my fellow students." You knew that you couldn't argue with this women so you went with it.


(Y/N is giving bejeweled vibes)

"Wow you look like a real princess not that i ever doubted that you were." She winked at you.
"Sorry but i have to ask do I have magic or why am I hear?" You looked at her and you could see she was considering her answer.
"Well Y/N the thing is you are a reader you have no fairytale parents at least that we know off so your powers will be weaker than the powers of the others but they'll still be there." Wow she had really thought about that answer kinda like she rehearsed it.
"Well dear come with me or we both will be late." You nodded and walked with her.

"So I'm gonna be up there and you will sit with your fellow classmates have fun, try not to cause chaos it's only your first day." She winked at you.
You nodded and took your seat next to the other princesses one girl immediately caught your interest a girl dressed in pink with long wavy blonde hair and we she started speaking to you you were kind of shocked.
"I'm Beatrix and that is Kiko." The smaller girl waved at me and you smiled at them maybe everything will be alright.
"Hello my name is y/n from gaveldon." You smiled at them a little wider thinking they were probably obligated to be nice because of all the princess stuff. But this Kiko girl actually seems sweet you just aren't sure if Beatrix is faking her smile or if she actually was nice to you because she liked you.
"So You're a reader? Sorry to ask but what exactly are you doing her" Kiko asked.
"Yes I am- you looked around when someone had caught your attention- wait who is that grumpy looking redhead?" You ask
"That is Lady Lesso she's the dean of the school for evil but you already met Dovey so I don't have to introduce her."
You nodded and looked at the two deans wondering what they are talking about it seems serious.
"Hello first year students I am professor Dovey dean of the school for goood.
Everybody yelled Ever. You were quite straddled by the shouting.
"And I'm lady Lesso dean of the school for evillll." She smirked a little at her own words.
Then the never started screaming Kill you!
Lesso's eyes wandered around the room when she caught you staring at her she smirked a little more.
Dovey hit her wand on the floor and everything went quiet.
"As per tradition  the winning school from last year, us again imagine that ,will now grace us all with a display of their shivelress talents, Gentleman!" Dovey said smiling.
Then princes marched into the room and started  fencing.
"What's the point of this?" You ask beatrix.
She looks at you wondering how you couldn't get it. "Well I mean it shows that good always wins and oh here we go." She rolled her eyes when a dark haired boy did a little stunt landing on the floor.
"Who's that?" You ask
"Tedros don't bother he's such a brat and he doesn't have good manners he's a spoiled baby."
After the fight the princes stared throwing flowers at the princesses.
Tedros and you locked eyes and he just threw the rose onto your lap and then like he got pulled out of his trance he looked at you realising what he had just done.
"Y/N Tedros threw his flower at you he never threw it before he always kept it i think you caught his eye." Kiko whispered.
"God Y/N please don't go out with him you deserve better." She looked at you and when you looked back she blushed a little.
You could feel two pairs of eyes staring at you but you were to afraid to look.
"Hello I'm Tedros." The boy got up and talked to you.
"I'm Y/N pleasure to meet you." You faked your smile because you definitely didn't want some prince swooning over you, rather a princess.
"Would you want to chat later?" He asked.
"I'm sorry but I just got here and I'm busy beatrix wanted to show me the school." You looked at her for confirmation.
She nodded.
Tedros took a step back and was blushing because of the embarrassment.
"Keep the flower and I'm sorry." He whispered
He then bowed in front of the dean for good she was just enjoying the show that had just happened.
The ceremony was over and you were tired as hell when you went outside for a few minutes to get fresh air cause all of this was overwhelming ,you saw a tall shadow behind you.
You turned around and were now facing the grumpy redhead herself.
She smirked down at you and  how close you were right now. You never felt so intimated by a single person you could feel her hot breath on your skin.
"Well who do we have here?"
"Y/N of gaveldon I'm new obviously ."you looked up at her
"Well you should go inside my dear its getting fresh."
"Aren't you the dean of  eeeevil you should be happy if i catch a cold."  You mocked her she looked at you and held her hand on her heart acting offended by your words.
"I don't need Dovey blaming me for being the reason that one of her students is sick, she's quite scary when she's mad."
You just nodded you haven't seen her get mad yet and you don't want to find out.
Right now you just wanted to leave her presence and go to bed so you walked past her trying to find your dorm.
Lesso looked at you baffled that you just left that's something you wouldn't expect from a princess.
You went inside trying to get ready for bed when you saw Beatrix in the bathroom.
"y/n i got to talk to you." She said with a worried look on her face.
"I now it sounds weird but I like really really like you and you don't have to say it back i just always say what i think." She stepped a little closer waiting for my reaction.
"Bea i also like you but I just don't know if it's in that kind of way, i don't want to hurt my first friend by giving her false hope."she stepped a little closer.
"Can I kiss you?" You were baffled by the request (i love the word baffled it sounds so funny). But you nodded, you don't know why but your gut told you it was the right decision.
The kiss was passionate like if she had been waiting for this her whole life. You pulled away to look at her, she was a little taller than you but not quite as intimidating as Lady lesso, Beatrix tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Shall we get to bed Y/N it's late." You nodded she took your hand and led you to the bedroom. You still couldn't believe what had just happened. But you went with it. You like her but is it L-O-V-E.

A/N: for me Beatrix is a raging lesbian i mean have you seen the scenes with Hester.
And English still isn't my first language.
Stream midnights <3 also my job is it to give characters a taylor song. Beatrix is kind of Mastermind-midnights why? I don't know.
Your Lia

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