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A/N super sad because I see you as my friends : when i first heard mirrorball I was like 'hey thats you' because I tried to fit in with everyone and never told them nor showed them the real and true me. And now I'm here writing stories with a lot of super sad plot and only for you my fellow queers because I can. Also I'm seriously a nice person I hope at least that I am hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do maybe it will not be as sad but don't trust me. Why I chose mirrorball will make sense I promise. (Also i just saw that that the story hit 1 k reads and I am forever grateful.)

____________________________Lesso's POV_____________________________________________
<what in gods name was Y/N talking about just now I never- oh god I did because Dovey wouldn't stop making fun of me so I had to lie but I never said it as harsh as she told me.>
"The old Y/N is gone and its all my fault." I talk to the small figure of dovey when I see something in the corner of my eye.
"Lady Lesso I don't know if you remember who I am but my name is Beatrix and I think the old Y/N is still inside of her." I stand up.
"Why and how do you know about Y/N s "condition"." I ask her.
"Well so basically I was doing her hair and wanted to ask her what dress she was going to wear and then for a few seconds her voice had completely changed and she told me if she does something scary I should hide because she can't protect me and after those seconds she became "herself" again." Beatrix was a fast talker really appreciated in this situation.
"Lady Lesso do you have any idea how we will get the old Y/N back?"
"No I sadly have to admit that we just have to sit and watch what happens because I think Y/N has her own plans." I say leaning against one of the tables.
"Relax she will be fine she is Y/N Y/L/N after all she is one of the smartest Ever girls." how could I act so calm when on the inside I was freaking out.

_________________________POV End___________________________________________________

You walk into the dancing hall ready to cause some irreversible trouble.
"My dear Evers don't panic but the Nevers are planning to attack this castle, princes you must protect us you all are way stronger than us girls we should defend our honor." You almost barfed at your own words.
The princes nodded ready to execute some Nevers such fools.
In a few minutes the Evers had stormed the Nevers castle and already attacked some of them ,thats when they see someone familiar.
"Oh Kiko could you tell what makes good Good and evil Evil you have payed attention to Doveys class haven't you?" You stand there in your blue dress looking down on them.
"Evil ... attacks and good errrr defenses if good would attack it would be by definition not good anymore ." She took some time to think.
"Yes you're correct you don't fail but my "princes" you attacked poor nevers so I think we should change some parts don't we?" You look at Hester as you hold up your finger and in a matter of seconds the Evers have turned into Nevers and the Nevers into Evers.
"What delightful look now we can all reach our full potential, have fun Hester love you, toodles." You walk out of the ballroom and up to the schoolmasters tower ready to kill Rafal.
when you open the door you can hear the storian writing your story.
"Y/N Y/L/N the most powerful reader ever with the both good and evil running through her veins."
"What I- I am evil not good." You snap back at it.
"But Y/N you will be my true love a pure hearted villainess." The schoolmaster appears behind you.
<ewww gross is that even legal, barf>
After he had said those words his body transformed and instead of the schoolmaster Rafal stood in front of you.
"Rafal how? When?" I always forget what a good actor you are.
"It was all a test to find my true love dearest." What a jerk and pervert is he forgetting that you are 20 and he is Over 200 years.
"I wanted to help you fullfill your destiny, i beloved and cared for you while the world had turned its back against you?"
"You I assume."
"Well you must be wondering what happened to my dear brother.. i killed him a long time ago we were good and evil in perfect harmony but time makes one unhappy."
"So you killed your brother who could you?"
"The same way you tried to break Lessos heart because it's who we are, after his death i took his identity to hide my intentions, i corrupted good, rewarding them for burning old Lady's in ovens, making mermaids but out their tongue , forcing them into dancing in red hot iron shoes, good became useless, foolish, weak but you Y/N you put me to shame you brought the wicked lady Lesso to knees in only a couple of weeks beyond good and evil you are... Chaos in person and together we are unstoppable." Oh god this jerk won't shut up will he now. Just a few more seconds of pain and agony then no one will remember Rafal only Y/N Y/L/N the person who defeated him.
"Just one kiss to unlock our true powers come on my dear it's one kiss."
"Rafal I'm gay I won't kiss you." True words Y/N couldn't have said it better.
"Fine urgh i should've thought of that." He takes your hand kisses it apparently that worked too.
Everything goes green when you hear the school for evil collapsing.
"They are dead because of you that's not what I wanted you motherfucker."
"No no dear not that language."
"Do you wanna know what is the most amazing thing about being pretty?"
"Yes please delight me."
You step closer to Rafal.
"It's the fact that as a pretty princess you can carry a dagger and no one will realise." After you said those words you ram your dagger right into his heart and his body vanishes and so does his blood magic.
"Y/N don't do anything he asks you to do." Lesso comes running through the door.
"Oh Lesso have you learned nothing? I can protect myself." You turn around when you feel a sharp pain in your chest.
"Ouch." Rafal must've connected you somehow.
The. Blood. Magic. Duh
How could you be so foolish but you had defeated him.
"Dearest what's wrong are you in pain?" She looks down to the open wound on your stomach.
"What have you done?" She looks into your eyes with the most sincere look on her face.
"Thank you for believing that the old Y/N could handle him and that you saw the real me and didn't leave me even though I was so cold. I love you too by the way. " You laugh when everything goes black.
Lesso did nothing she just sat there watching you dying knowing she will have to live with the guilt her whole life.

The end.
        Right? Fairy tales always end when the villain us defeated.

A/N:how evil of me.
I love how I always say Omg that will be a super happy chapter and then. Boom.
Not so happy after all.
I still can't believe that people actually like my writing.

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