You're the lucky one

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A/N i did not pass my math exam *talent* also I just got proposed to for the like 67th time by someone online. Enjoy please.

What the hell was wrong with Lesso and what did she think she saw the other night maybe it was just a trick to worry you and she just guessed that something had happened. Arghhhh this women. Why did you even care what she thought she's just an evil person.
"Y/N what was Lesso talking about?" Bea looked at you with concern because if someone found out that Bea a princess kissed a peasant especially a girl her status as princess would be in danger but why was she acting like she forgot about it.
"Lesso is just a bitch and second if she saw "something" no one would believe her cause she's literally the dean of the school for Evil so causing mischief is kind of her all day thing, don't worry she will forget it." At least you hoped so but bea still looked confused so you left the matter alone you just said you'd stay friends.
"We should go to beauty class bea or we will be late and fail." She nods and you run around the castle trying to find the room as soon as possible.
"I'm sorry that we are late ms. Anemone we couldn't find the room." You and bea did a little curtesy and Anemone nodded.
"As I was saying beauty and grace is the number one weapon of a young maiden so we have to use it to our advantage, we will start with smiling ms. Beatrix why don't you start dear." Bea nodded.
She got an A obviously now it was your turn.
You took the mirror in your hand and smiled.
"Wow an A+ you have such a beautiful smile." Anemone said to you with a smile on her face.
You hear noises in front of the door and see a worried Anemone.
"Y/N Y/L/N you have to come with us right this second." You look at Anemone and she nods you see a worried expression on everyone's face.
One wolf and one fairy stood in front of you.
"What's wrong why does everyone look so concerned?" They ignore you and lead you to the main hall where you've been sitting just a few minutes ago. What a waste of time.
You see two concerned deans in the middle of the room whispering about god knows what because no one around here tells you anything.
"Miss Y/N we need to talk." Dovey says trying to not make eye contact with you, you look over to Lesso who's face is plastered by a frown.
"What the hell is going on and why the fuck am I here? Did i do something?" Dovey shakes her head.
"No not yet but you maybe could... Lesso could you please explain." The red head nods.

"Basically our schoolmaster had a brother named Rafal he was his evil twin brother and tried to kill him long story short we thought Rafal died but Dovey and I had a vision that he is back and because if history repeats itself Rafal will come after a reader in this case you.. so if you've seen anything strange like red fog or a voice talking to you, you have to report it immediately to me or Clarissa." Lesso looked at you with the slightest concern in her eyes, that's when you remember the red fog in front of your window the night you got here.
"Well apparently this was pointless she looks like she doesn't get what we are talking about anywa- Lesso starts again.

"I don't know if that makes sense but the day I got here i saw red fog with kind of eyes in front of my window that's why I went outside in the first place..." Lesso looks at you and then at Dovey.
"Clarissa i dealt with Rafa before you should go to class I'll talk to your little princess."Dovey nods and turns around.
You look at Lesso scared of what will happen to you.
"Think did Rafal try to contact you in any way heil you were here?" You shake your head.
"I have to say something personal now so you better tell the truth, are you sure you kissed Beatrix last night?" You look at her shocked.
"How do you know? No one was in the room. And yes I'm sure she said we should stay friends after that she went to get changed this morning why?"
"Well Rafal can change into different people and he could be using the body of Beatrix to trick you." You look at her in disbelief you'd have noticed right?

____________________________The kiss______________________________________________
You remember that you went inside trying to get ready for bed when you saw Beatrix in the bathroom not seeming like she has it all together
"y/n i got to talk to you." She said with a worried look on her face. Why was she worried did someone scare her?
"I now it sounds weird but I like really really like you and you don't have to say it back i just always say what i think." She stepped a little closer waiting for my reaction, that was a bold move.
"Bea i also like you but I just don't know if it's in that kind of way, i don't want to hurt my first friend by giving her false hope."she stepped a little closer.
"Can I kiss you?" You were baffled by the request. Maybe that really wasn't your Bea, bea has it all together and she doesn't seem like the person to kiss her friends at 1 am.
The kiss was passionate like if she had been waiting for this her whole life. You pulled away to look at her, she had a smirk on her face, she had  tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"Shall we get to bed Y/N it's late." You nodded she took your hand and led you to the bedroom. All of the memories you had seemed strange.
____________________________the morning_____________________________________________
You remember your little conversation and the fact that you thought that the words Bea said didn't sound like her at all-
« Come with me! » she whispers in your ear and pulls you into the bathroom.
"We should talk about yesterday." She says with a concerned look on her face.
"Is it ok If we stay friends? I mean I don't want people to gossip about me or you so it would be the best i hope you agree. " you nod because what else were you supposed to do.
"Then come on or we will be late for breakfast." You laugh and get ready that was strange.
You just got friendzoned by someone who swore that they like liked you just a few hours ago.
That last night wasn't Beatrix it couldn't have been her.

You gasp at your memories.
"That wasn't Beatrix last night." Lesso looks down at you not knowing what you just remembered.
"Last night I thought she acted strange she said she liked me and kissed me and then the next morning she said its better if we stayed friends then she was gone for a few minutes and came back completely different like she had forgotten everything. Also when you said that cocky thing she said she didn't knew what you were talking about, how could i be so dumb." You feel like the dumbest person alive how could you not see that your Bea wasn't YOUR bea. Your eyes start feeling watery like you were about to cry but you tried to hold yourself together, you couldn't cry infront of the Dean.
Lesso looked down at you and made a 'pff' sound before she took you in her arms.
"It isn't your fault little one Rafal plays games , he tricks your mind and makes you think your in love with him atleast you found out before it's to late to change that." She whispered only for you to hear.
"You're the lucky one today your have friends and your new family which you seem to fit in quite well I think Dovey wants to adopt you asap." She chuckles at her own words.
She lets you go and flattens her suit.
"Now you will be taking the day off you can visit me in my office if anything happens and if Rafal comes near you or talks to you, don't go to Dovey come to me." She says and leaves you alone.
<did the Dean of the school for evil just hug you? Wow>

A/N i slay i know.
Also I'm kind of a mastermind nothing happens without a reason here.
Love you and stream midnights 24/7
Your lia <3

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