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A/N: I'm shocked that I have not named a chapter Mastermind yet. But I did now and it fits because I am a mastermind making all those amazing Taylor swift references also I need to remind that I'm only learning English in school so it's not my first language.
Also I have a cold not so fun but I'm gaslighting myself into thinking I could write and could form one good thought at 3 am.
Please enjoy and besties thanks for voting.
Also I woke up and chose  violence :)

So basically Leonora Lesso had just proclaimed her love to you, such a poor thing never learning from her former mistakes.

(Little auntie talia advice:DONT SAY THE L WORD TO SOMEONE IF YOU DONT KNOW IF THEY FEEL THE SAME. Also don't do it in the first to weeks of dating its a red flag )

You were back in your room and sat down on your bed.
<my dear Y/N I'm so proud of what you have accomplished but I can see you still have doubts about my plan so I will show you what Lesso  really thinks about you.> of course he wasn't going to show you the truth but you didn't know that. You only want to defeat him. Why would a simple girl try to defeat a 200+ year old dude who literally has blood magic? Well its not even 3 months since your "mother" died, no one has cared about your well being not even Dovey or Lesso, no one has ever cared for you in your life only her and her stories and she's gone. If you become evil enough maybe people will care and if they don't care they will feel the pain you felt when you lost the only person that cared for you.
"Please do Rafal." I don't know how but your voice had changed these past months it became more raspy.
You didn't have to tell him twice and he showed you what Lesso really thought about you.

"Y/N is a bad person I could never love an Ever it's repulsive- she's just pathetic she really thinks I care for her in any way no one will ever love her." You hear Lesso talking to someone.
"But didn't you say you loved her just 10 minutes ago?" That's when it clicked that was Dovey to be specific Rafal disguised as Dovey to get answers out of Leonora. (OBVIOUSLY this wouldn't really be possible but he's playing tricks on your mind so it is.)
"And she told me 'oh no I'm not ready' such bullshit she thinks I would wait for her she's just as pathetic as her mother back in Gaveldon, a useless puzzle piece also she 'fainted' in front of you I think she faked it for your attention." Wow. Seriously.
<have you seen enough?> he asked.
"Yes." Your voice darker then before your eyes glowing red ready to murder the next person that would cross your path.
<she's been playing with you though I must say you did too but I will protect you and I will help you don't be scared think of yourself as a caterpillar about to transform into a butterfly. I can give you the ability's that you dreamt of. Blood magic Y/N.>
Not such an ever after all Leonora.
<will you accept my gift?"
"Rafal I want it, the power."
He appears in your mirror he stretches his finger tip through the mirror and blood magic starts flow through your veins.
<well now little one we will wait 3 more days then its your time to shine at the ball do not disappoint.> his voice disappears and you're left alone.

A/N: i hate that the last chapters have been so gloomy and dark and that the crusty musty Rafal got more screen time then my beloved Lesso but we have to feel Y/Ns pain and as I said before i woke up and chose violence.
But I can tell you one thing Y/N and Rafal won't kiss cause uhm... creepy.
Also I know that this chapter is short but the next one will be the Ever ball and you can already guess what the name of the chapter will be haha. And it will hopefully be longer.
Love lia <3

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