Lavender haze

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A/N: see this as kind of a in between chapter I had mentioned that everyone forgot Y/N's birthday so I thought never mind you will see.
It's before graduation but like I don't know how to explain it will not make sense but its fluffy and cheesy so you will like it hopefully. Also the schools did turn into one school but only after your graduation it doesn't make sense but yk me I don't make sense ;)

The last year at the school for good as a student everything had gone back to normal after the Rafal incident.
You had a perfect girlfriend and a well not so perfect life.
Last year no had remembered your birthday you turned 20 now it was your birthday again bit you didn't bother telling anyone knowing they will probably forget anyway so you went on with your day the best you could.
In beauty class someone knocks on the door.
"Y/N Y/L/N would you mind coming with us?" A wolf guard stood in front of the door, you look at Anemone and she just nods.
You pack your bag and follow the wolf guards.
You were at the school for evil a rather familiar place by now.
"Go to Lady Lessos office she wants to see you." They stopped walking and you just nodded.
She probably just wanted to talk we haven't talked in what felt like forever she was busy doing stuff.
You knocked on her office door and it opened immediately.
"Y/N my love is everything ok?"
"The wolve guards told me to come here?"
"Oh yes sit down!" You sit down.
Lesso walks behind you and covers your eyes with a blindfold.
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes of course I do." She takes your hand and teleports you.
"Where are we?" She didn't answer she just made you sit down on what felt like grass.
"Leonora Lesso you better tell me what's going on!"
"So demanding but I could never say no to you." She takes of your blindfold and you were outside at a big pond but not the one at the school no. In Gaveldon.
You turn to look at her you plaster kisses all over her face.
"Wow I can't believe it what's the reason? Are you gonna propose or what?" She looks at you shocked.
"First of all If I would propose you wouldn't know when second its your birthday you silly goose."
Now you were the one that was shocked.
"You remembered but I didn't tell you."
"But you speak in your sleep and by the way you should stop dreaming of me people might think I'm hurting you." Your face immediately goes red from embarrassment.
"Shall we eat?" It looked like a feast with all your favorite things to eat.
You nod.
"And now to your second present for that we should maybe go home." She says in your ear a nod you knew what she meant immediately.
"Oh Leonora you horny teenager but maybe we should go "home" for that we don't want to traumatize little children."  She takes your hand and teleports you back.
You just want to stay like this for a second as If the rest of the world didn't matter.
You love her and she loves you.
"Are you ready for your second present?"
"Do you even have to ask" you laugh. She looks at you like you are the most beautiful being in the universe.

A/N: two chapters in one day you are super lucky. Even though this one is shorter I just thought I would give you some fluff before I go back to my angsty writing style ;)
I'm thinking about actually adding smut so you better be ready for the next chapter.
Also I watched Tár. I'm to gay I never thought Cate Blanchett would say she's a U-Haul Lesbian.

 I'm to gay I never thought Cate Blanchett would say she's a U-Haul Lesbian

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Love Lia.<3

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