Right where you left me

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A/N: how are you people? Good? Not after this *kiss* sorry not sorry.

You lied to her. You lied to everyone but no one could know you could trust no one and now that you can finally have access to the power you needed to rule and make the world right again.
Ofc you are not going to help Rafal or Lesso you want to be the one and only reader and unless Lesso shows that she is serious and isn't going to hurt you this will be your decision until then.
Love is weakness we all knew it- some people just have to learn it the hard way.
"Y/N is everything ok you seem off?" Beatrix looks at you with a confused look on her face.
"Yes everything is fine bea but we should head to class or we will be late to Doveys class." You give her a reassuring smile and walked outside to the big pond. Dovey had already started the lesson
"No no no of course we don't hate, evil hates good loves, evil attacks - Y/N and Beatrix you're late, anyways can you tell me what good does?" She looks disappointed but she's trying to hide it.
"Good defenses." You say.
"Great and when is good allowed to attack Beatrix?"
"It isn't. Good only defenses,IF good would attack first it would be by definition no longer good." She answers
"Precisely now please take a seat both of you."
You sit down in the front while Beatrix takes a seat in the back with her friends.
"Ladys as I was saying evil has many weapons but we- we have animals." She takes a moment to breath in
"Animals of the land, animals of the water and so my Ladys today I present to you Wish fish shimmering underwater friends who understands you and your deepest desire oh and Ladys if your wish is strong enough it might become reality so who's gonna start....Y/N why don't you go first."
You just shrug and get up to walk over to the water but what is your deepest desire?
What if they see that you are evil?
No they can't you will just think of something else that will get you out of this misery.
A prince? No a princess? No. How about a never just because its closest to Rafal. But who? Hester. Yes.
You sit down and put finger into the water controlling the image with your mind.
"OH my Y/N is in love with a never." Someone screams and Dovey turns to you and looks into the water seeing Hester's face thank god.
"Well erm Y/N talk to me after class now please the others make your wish." She's trying not to freak out and try's to keep her calm happy attitude.
Kiko wishes for some prince and Beatrix she wishes for a princess (I'm the biggest Hester and Beatrix shipper but yk enemies to lovers)
Once everybody was done Dovey told them to leave but grabbed your wrist.
"Is that why you've been so off lately you were in love with Hester a NEVER." She whisper yells
"NO its not like that I never felt love for anyone but I know that I don't love Hester also she's a Never that's "repulsive"." You mock Lesso.
"Fine but If you do fall in love some day please tell me I'm really invested in my students love life." She says
Eww what a creep.
"Of course professor Dovey." You gave her your fakest smile.
"Don't forget that we will unlock your finger glow in 2 hours you may wanna change your dress its really dirty." She says
You look down faking a gasp.
But Dovey doesn't realize. Wow you really are a good actor.
"Now go." She lets you go.

The ceremony was about to begin and you were second in front of you only Beatrix.
Bea was the only person you really liked at the school for good she was nothing like the others but only when she was with you.
She cursed and screamed her frustration but over the day she keeps up the facade.
You see the grumpy redhead looking at you.
"Evers and nevers we will now unlock your full power, Evers it won't hurt because good doesn't feel pain." Dovey says smiling.
"Nevers it's gonna hurt." Lesso says looking into the crowd and quickly glanced at you.
Is this women obsessed with you.
Beatrix walked away you stood next to Hester she also kept looking at you that's when you heard people whispering.
"Shut up!" Lesso slams her cane to the ground making you flinch.
"Y/N is it true you fancy me?" Hester whispers.
You don't know what to respond so you act like you didn't hear her.
Dovey smiles at you and unlocks your power, you were allowed to go back to your dorm. So you did.
"Y/N wait! Please tell me the truth. Do you like me?" Hester has followed you.
"I don't know Hester I never felt something like Love for anyone ever." She nodded and takes your hand to lead you to the next empty hall.
"Well because you were the one that caught my eye you have something about you, you're hot and we are complete opposite's but you never left my mind, so am I allowed to kiss you?" Wow maybe you could break two hearts at a time who wonderful you gave yourself a high five.
(Of course those aren't your real thoughts this is the grief and evilness thinking. Trust me. No don't don't trust me.)
"Yes, please." She cups your cheeks and pulls you closer.
The kiss wasn't anything like the one with Lesso, Lesso's was only lust with Hester you could feel that she wanted to do this for along time.
You didn't even realise that the grumpy redhead saw and heard everything because her students all went to their dorms.
Wow but her lost she didn't love you, now did she?

A/N: I know I'm such a jerk but i will try posting a second chapter right after this one I swear, also I will not let you rest.
I just woke up and chose madness.
Please vote if you like the story it really pushes my Ego ;) jk.
I just sometimes feel like I'm such a bad writer so it makes me even happier when you vote.
Love Talia.

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