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(Listens to vigilante shit as life motto and mastermind ) also an aro ace person writing love is hard hahaha. Also i have school today.

"Good night bea night Kiki talk to you tomorrow." You said as you tucked yourself in bed.
Tomorrow lessons will start this will be interesting.

You woke up to the sound of birds chirping and a snoring Kiko.
"Another glorious morning, makes me sick." You laughed at Bea's words it is so unlikely for a princess to hate mornings.
She looked at you and smiled and the memories of last night came back. <oh shit what did I do> you thought.
"What do we have first Bea?"you ask her.
"Well first we have breakfast with the school if Eeeevil and after that smiling." She says
"Smiling? That's a subject? How and when, never mind not gonna question anything." She laughs at your response and she has the cutest laugh she grunts a little when she does it.
"Your laugh is adorable Bea." You say trying to not make her uncomfortable but she just smiles brighter at your words.
She gets up and takes your wrist.
« Come with me! » she whispers in your ear and pulls you into the bathroom.
"We should talk about yesterday." She says with a concerned look on her face.
You nod not knowing what'll come next.
"Is it ok If we stay friends? I mean I don't want people to gossip about me or you so it would be the best i hope you agree. "  you nod because what else were you supposed to do.
"Then come on or we will be late for breakfast." You laugh and get ready

You and all of the princesses went down for breakfast, you were greeted by a overly happy dovey and a not so happy Lady Lesso.
"Good morning Y/N,Beatrix,Kiko hope you slept wonderful." She smiles a little brider.
"I think y/n and Beatrix slept wonderful didn't you?" Lesso says. You and Beatrix look at each other with a confused expression on both of your faces you look back at Lady Lesso and she has that evil smirk on her face.
What does she know? She was at the school for evil.
You just waved it of and took Bea's hand and pulled her to the Evers table still confused by what had just happened .
When you looked back you gave Lesso the 'you're dead look' she grabbed her heart and acted like your look actually had hurt her.
<what a bitch> you thought.

A/N i know the whole story seems confusing like I said its made from scratch not even I know is where the plot is gonna lead so lets just enjoy it <3 stream midnights Love Lia (i updated the chapters an rewrote the parts i didn't like so it kind of has an order now. Also this one is kinda short so the next one will be longer)

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