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A/N: hello once again It's 12:25 am rn so it's no the same day but you will still get your chapter.
I hope.
Don't forget to do your homework kids.

Lesso's POV:

All of my students left the hall Clarissa was still in because she got more Evers than I got Nevers.
My only quest in this moment is to find Y/N they seemed so "off" what If something happened and I didn't know.
Back at the ceremony while all the students were whispering they weren't whispering about me they were whispering about Y/N and Hester.
I'm not jealous I just want to protect them. That's all.
I took a sharp turn walking around the school for good when I heard Y/N's sweet voice but she wasn't alone.
She was with her. Of course maybe Y/N is trying to confront her.
She can't kill, good defences and doesn't attack shit.
Y/N is going to kill her.
When I want come break them up before she does something she will regret later.
Hester stepped closer hovering over Y/N i felt a sharp pain in my heart.
Hester had kissed her. And she enjoyed it.
Y/N didn't even acknowledge my presence she then breaks up the kiss.
I take a look at her. Nothing. Her eyes were empty no love no kindness.
She wasn't in love with Hester she didn't look at her how she looked at me.
But Y/N obviously didn't love me either.
She starts to look around that's when we she locks eye contact with me.
Nothing. No regret. No fear. No Love.
Instead she turns around and kisses Hester again.
Did I do something? Did I hurt her? Why is she trying to make me jealous.
"Goodbye Hes." She smiles at Hester and then walks past her and me quickly waving at me as she goes back to her dorm.
She's supposed to smile at me not the little wannabe villain.

POV end.

Y/N saw Lesso.
<Y/N this is your shot break Lesso's heart in two, kiss Hester again>
You didn't really care what Rafal wanted but to fullfill your plans you had to follow along.
So you kissed her again.
"Goodbye He's." You walk past her and Lesso to walk back to your dorm.
But you could feel a presence behind you.
She followed you of course.
"What did I do? How did I hurt you?" She starts talking but you keep walking.
She sped up which was hard because she was in heels, and takes your wrist to push you against the wall.
"How dare you not to answer me when I ask you a question!?" Her voice sounded like venom.
You kept ignoring her and tried to break free from her grasp.
"You give me no other choice than to take a look into your mind." She shrugs but you couldn't let her in.
You close your mind (Idk how you do it but you are just gay so GAY POWER)
"How?" Lesso asks herself.
You hold up your finger.
"Please just tell me what I did wrong?" She sounded more worried now.
You almost felt bad.
But only ALMOST, to keep her away from your trail you'd have to do something. Think Y/N.
"I saw you with Dovey you're always so close and teasing eachother you'd be happier with her and we both know it and I've seen this film before and I definitely didn't like the ending back in Gaveldon I fell in love with this girl but one day she was gone left me. Maybe I'm scared you'll leave me for her. I dont know." You hadn't even paid attention to Dovey and Lessos teasing but Lesso didn't have to know that.
"I saw you staring at Hester and all those whispers about you and her made me... jealous I think." Wow she really loves you. What a shame she could've been such a lovely queen but a weakling will never be a queen.
"Like you'd get your knuckles bloody for me don't be ridiculous you wouldn't have hurt Hester she has the most potential after all, I gave you so many signs that I wasn't fine but you just never saw them." You are an amazing actor you should do improv acting.
"You're mad because I never learned to read your mind?"
"You didn't hear me out once, I just don't know Ive never felt those feelings for anyone at all not even the girl form Gaveldon." Wow your go to excuse you should make this a T-shirt.
"Love is a Mysterium but do you not remember Any great love keeps you guessing,it's ever changing and it definitely drives you crazy, but I wouldn't change anything I love you." Did Lesso just say I love you. Wow. She really had let her guard down.
"Leonora I'm not ready also now I got to deal with the Hester situation please don't say those words if you don't mean them."
Lesso nods understanding the situation. SHE THINKS SHE DOES at least.

A/N: I'm really bored so I thought why not make this like you know exile related because it fits.
Next chapter will hopefully be happier.
It probably won't but keep your head down and thinks will look up.
We love RTC references, also I started writing my second book. <3
Love Lia

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