Mad women

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A/N: I'm so cool, i was the main character in history today.
Basically i insulted white cis men and how they treat women (most of the time).  Anyways keeping the note short i hope y'all are having a great day.

Did the dean of the school for evil just comforted you.
GOD.     (that's me whenever someone hugs me.)

This women i swear to Goddddd, she left you alone in the hall for you to gay panic. Amazing .
<fine rest she said but after that how am i supposed to rest at all.> you start think.
You can't be that gay for someone can you? Maybe- but heave you seen lady Lesso her whole being is a grace to this world.
Ahhhh she is truly evil she knew that this would mess with your mind.

-do you know this TikTok trend with like.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because no one will ever believe you?"
That the situation I'm picturing right now.

You look to the big door and make your way over to it when you try to open the door its locked.
Has she locked you inside that evil bi-.
No. That was not her doing she had just told you to rest it wouldn't make sense for her to lock you inside a hall unless-

"Hello my dear Y/N don't be afraid." A voice of a man whispers in your ear.
You turn around... nothing, there was no one you turn back to the door take a deep breath and try to open the door again.
It opened maybe you just hadn't pulled enough or maybe you pushed and the voice you'd heard was your mind playing tricks on you because its like with lice, someone says they have lice and then you feel itchy, like because they told you about Rafal you must think you hear him or some sort of bullshit.

"Breath in. Breath out. Your imagining this now just go to bed." You say to yourself trying to convince yourself that you aren't loosing your mind completely.
"Oh Y/N dear." You startle and turn around and breath out because it was just dovey.
"Oh dovey I'm happy to see you I just need to res-"
"No time no time come with me." You couldn't even agree when she takes your wrist.
"What is it with you people and my wrist." You laugh to yourself.
"You may rest afterwards but I need you to tell me exactly what Lesso said the Ever ball is right around the corner I don't need some dead red magician to ruin it." She says, Lesso was right she was scary when she's mad but she also stomps her foot like a 6 year old.
"Dovey she just told me that you'll deal with it and gave me advice how to avoid him and stuff nothing of importance she seemed like she didn't know anything." You shrug.
"Well I will trust you because you are a Everrr not a neverrr but if you are hiding something from me I will freak." You nod and turn around.
"Oh and Y/N before you go and rest please please talk to Lesso again I need you to give her this." Oh shit all you wanted to do was get away from the red head and now Dovey is asking you to go over to a school full of villains and give something to her
You can do this, you nod and and take whatever Dovey is holding.
You do a curtesy and leave.
Holding the thing to your heart you're thinking about everything you will say to her when you see her.
Internally you wanted to see her BUT you also wanted to push her against a wall and make her scream your name.
One thing at a time.
Give her whatever it is You're holding and make her think about you.
Give her a kiss on the cheek for gratitude only of course ? Yes. A/N: Y/N is getting bold but we love to see it. I'm her for it

You finally arrived at the school for evil its far more intimidating in front than from the sky.
Ok now or never breath in breath out, you open the door.
Walk trough the halls when you see a wolf guard and he see's you.
"I'm Y/N  Y/L/N I'm here because dovey gave me something for Lady Lesso." You studder a little.
The guard laughs at your nervousness.
"Right Dovey sent one of her princesses to see Lady Lesso instead of going herself, you need to make an appointment to meet Lady Les-"
"No she doesn't and when she ever asks you to see me ever again you will say YES not questioning her reasons, come in dear." Lesso shows up behind the guard.
"YES, hmpfh yes lady Lesso there you go dear." He's trying to be as polite as possible.
What a faker.
You follow her into her office.
It's cold you could feel your hands starting to freeze and your body starting to shake. How can she look so unbothered by the cold.
She reaches out her hand for you to give her the small wooden box.
She takes it opens it but you cant see what is inside but there's a smirk on Lessos face.
"Well dear I can see that you won't rest in your room following my instructions must be hard, you should rest here so I can keep an eye out for Rafal." You look shocked and even more nervous to answer that question.
"Let me guess sweet thing, Dovey asked you what we talked about?" You nod.
She steps closer, you can feel her breath on your skin.
You're to gay for this-
"What did you say to her?" She asks.
"I just said that you will do the worst you can and that I should rest." She smiles at this.
"Well well you better take my advice now little thing I will show you my bedroom and you may rest." You try to argue that you can't stay here but she gives you the look.

A/N. My writing is so bad I'm so sorry I'm just super stressed out.

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