Blank space

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A/N: just some dialogues where Y/N probably has a death wish 👍🏻 also this probably the last chapter because I'm to lazy to write a wedding.

"We have a problem." Lesso ran into your office almost giving you a heart attack.
"Would shooting you  solve this problem? No? Then get out." You move back to your work leaving a baffled Lesso standing.
"Come on Y/N pretty pleaseeee." She begs. Moving closer to your desk lifting up the paper you've been writing on.
"Never thought I'd live to the day Leonora Lesso begs." You look up at her smirking her expression changes to her natural bitchy one.
"Well don't worry you'll be the one begging soon enough..." she says leaning closer to you her lips ghosting over yours.
"Goodbye lady Lesso, I will see you tonight I have a lot of things to do and please help YOUR children otherwise Dovey will kill me."
"Come on pleaseee I barely get to see you anymore." She whines.
"Lesso I promise I will try to get off work but your children are causing so much trouble that is ALOT of paperwork." You say rubbing the bridge of your nose.
"Fine. If not I will be mad." A clingy Leonora Lesso also something you don't see everyday.

A few hours pass and you were done FINALLY.
When you make your way down the tower you realise that the sun had already set and it started raining.
Your happy expression changed to an annoyed one, usually you love rain but right now its just not what you needed.
A voice you know far to well comes up behind you, giving you a heart attack AGAIN.
"You know your really cute when you get mad, lets dance in the rain like in these romcoms you told me about..." you give her your famous death stare.
"But HYPOTHERMIA!" Lesso didn't care she already pulled you closer kissing you sometimes you forget that she is your actual fiancée.
You start jumping up and down, you definitely needed a distraction from work and she knew exactly what you needed to calm down.
After a few seconds you stop jumping straightening your clothes when you look up you see THE Leonora Lesso look at you with the most adoration ever seen by man kind.
"Lesso I got to be honest I thought you were mean and scary for the most part I've known you but you're the sweetest person I've met." You wink at her knowing she doesn't like when you way you're her soft spot.
"Don't think I forgot about what you said earlier wait till you see how mean and scary I can be." A big lump is building in your throat.
"I love you Leonora Lesso, please don't ever change yourself you are the most amazing person I've ever met. I love everything about you for eternity." She pulls you in for another kiss.
"For eternity."

A/N: i really wanted to finish this because I didn't have any ideas but my one shot book has ALOT of ideas.
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Also I know this is short but hey atleast i slay.
Love yours truly Lia.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2022 ⏰

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