You Get Arrested By A Corrupt Cop (Mature era) 🤦🏻‍♂️

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I was at the dog park eating my vanilla ice cream while sitting down on a wooden bench.

Lots of people were here with their dogs and I loved watching them play with one another.

As I was eating my ice cream, it started to melt and before I could get a better grip on it, my ice cream accidentally fell from my hand.

It landed on the grass.

"Oh no, I dropped my vanilla ice cream. Now, it's on the ground, and I probably shouldn't eat it because it's covered with dirt and germs".

I said to myself out loud.

And then, at that moment, a police officer approached me.

"Excuse me, young lady. But do you know that it's a $500 fine for littering"?

He said.

Due to my autism, I had trouble looking at people in the eye when speaking to someone.

"Um...yeah. I know that Mr. Police Officer. But I didn't litter my vanilla ice cream, I accidentally dropped it on the ground".

I replied back.

"Stop lying! Lying will only make the situation a lot worse".

The police officer hollered at me.

I was now feeling scared and upset.

"B-but Officer. I didn't litter my vanilla ice cream cone. I just told you that—

Unfortunately, I was interrupted by the police officer putting handcuffs around my wrists.

Now, I couldn't even move my hands.

"You're going to jail! Now, get your ugly self into the police car or I will shoot you myself".

The police off gave me a shove and I fearfully did what I was told to do.

At the police station, I was forced into a cell that had no bed, sink, toilet, or any running water for that matter.

I cried while sitting on the cold, hard floor.

What surprised me even more was the fact that there were several other kids who had been arrested by that same police officer.

Fortunately, the people who were at the dog park witnessed my arrest.

They had seen me come here with Michael Jackson many times, and one of the ladies had a daughter who was a good friend of Michael.

"I'm calling Bill right now..."

The woman said as she took out her cell phone and began dialing a particular number.

Within minutes, Bill Whitfield received a starting phone call.

He went straight to Michael Jackson and told him what had happened to me.

"Oh my gosh! They did what"?!

Michael was panicking and then he told Javon to watch over his kids while he went out to save me from the corrupt cop.

After getting into the limo, Bill drove all the way to the police station.

When they got there, he took Michael with him to go speak to the manager who owned the police station and was the one who hired all the officers.

"Hello sir. What can I do for you, today"?

The manager said with a polite smile.

Bill Whitfield explained the situation and then, the manager led them to the cell that I was locked in.

"Holy moly! What are you kids doing in here"?

The manager saw me and several other kids who were looking sad, scared, and confused.

"We were all arrested for no good reason like talking, hanging out with a friend that had a different skin color, and many other reasons".

One of the kids explained.

"I-I was a-arrested for accidentally dropping my v-vanilla ice c-cream cone".

I said with a few stutters.

Michael felt terrible for me and the kids.

"What did the officer look like"?

The manager asked.

"Well, he had brown hair, was kind of balding on two sides on his head, wore a teal police uniform, and he spoke in a Texan accent".

A little boy who was black spoke up.

Instantly, the manager realized who the corrupt cop was.

"That guy...ohh he's going to be in so much trouble. In the mean time, I will have to track your parents down and make a call to let them know what happened. You can all leave now".

With that in mind, the manager took out an extra set of keys and he used them to unlock the jail cell.

In the end, all the kids were taken home safely by their parents, while Michael took me back to the Neverland Ranch after he got me another vanilla ice cream.

The corrupt cop was fired for wrongful accusations and arresting underage children.

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