Decorating The Xmas Tree (Before HIStory era) 🎄

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After all the other Christmas decorations were hung up around the house, it was time for Michael and his precious chewdren to decorate the Christmas tree.

I didn't mind watching Michael and the kids while they hung up the ornaments, because I didn't have any to begin with.

"Be careful with those ornaments, my chewdren. Don't drop them".

Michael said to his kids as he watched them look inside the box of Christmas ornaments.

After only or two ornaments were hung on the tree, Paris noticed that wasn't I helping out.

Then, when the oven started beeping, I got up from where I was sitting and went to the kitchen.

"Daddy, F/n doesn't have any ornaments for Christmas".

Paris looked at Michael in a sad way.

"I know".

Michael replied, as he carefully hung up an ornament that resembled two turtle doves on the tree.

After I laid out the gingerbread cookies on the counter to cool off, I started to feel a little bit left out because I had no ornaments to put on our Christmas tree.

Michael looked up and he could see how sad I was.

That's when he had a brilliant idea!

"Let's get F/n a Christmas ornament".

He said to his children.


Prince jumped up and down excitedly, and Blanket and Paris clapped their hands.

"Shhh! It's gonna be a surprise".

Michael whispered, and then he giggled.

I was just walking around the house to check on any Christmas lights to see if there was some that needed new bulbs when I heard giggling and happy laughter coming from the dining room.

The kids were drawing pictures with some crayons while sitting at the dining room table.

I offered to sit down and color with them, and they gladly said yes.

While me and the kids were drawing pictures, Michael had asked his bodyguards to go out and get me a ornament.

"She doesn't have any for Christmas".

He said to Bill.

"Don't worry, Mr. Jackson. We got you covered".

Javon stayed at the house to watch over the me and kids while Bill took Michael out to go shopping for a Christmas ornament.

Michael found a beautiful ornament that was shaped like a kitten with a red bow on it's neck.

It was made out of 100% gold, and had the words Merry Christmas engraved on the front.

After he paid for it, he left the store which was starting to get crowded.

"Do you think that F/n will love it"?

Michael asked Bill with all the excitement of a child.

"I think she will, Mr. Jackson".

Bill smiled, as he drove out of the store parking lot.

Back at home, I was getting ready to ask Prince, Paris, and Blanket if they wanted to help me decorate the gingerbread cookies.

They were all excited about it and we also decided that Michael should join in.

Then, a few minutes later, I heard Michael calling for his chewdren.

"We're coming Daddy"!

Paris laughed, as she and her brothers hurried to find their famous father.

Once they all found each other, Michael led them to our bedroom.

"I have some wrapping paper and I want you to help me wrap it".

Michael said, as he took out a thing of Christmas wrapping paper from the closet where all the other things that we used to wrap presents were stored.

"Okay Daddy"!

Prince whispered, and they all giggled.

After putting the ornament in a small box, Michael put some bubble wrap around the inside so the ornament wouldn't get damaged.

"I know how much she loves cats. That's why I got this one for her".

Michael said, and then put a red bow on the box.

Together, he led his children out of the bedroom and back into the kitchen.

But when they walked in there, I wasn't where I was before.

"Where did she go, Daddy"?

Paris asked.

"I'm sure she's not that far, let's go and find her".

Then, just as they were about to begin the search for me, my tortoiseshell cat Cinnamon approached them.


Blanket giggled when Cinnamon rubbed the side of her head against his leg.

Cinnamon let out a meow before she wandered off in the direction of the basement.

Michael saw that the lights were turned on, meaning that someone was down here.

"F/n? Are you there"?

He called out.

"I'm down here Michael"!

I called back.

Michael and his kids went down the stairs and that's where they found me sitting on a chair.

"What are you doing, F/n"?

Paris asked.

"I'm looking for a bulb. One of the lights on the Christmas decorations that's hanging on the stairway handles went out".

I answered, while looking through the cardboard box.

"Found it"!

Michael exclaimed cheerfully, holding up a light bulb.

We all left the basement to go back upstairs .

The king of pop fixed the light on the Christmas decoration by replacing the old bulb with a new one.

"I have something for you, my love".

Michael said to me, and then he smirked in a playful way.

He presented a small box that was wrapped up like a present.

When I opened it, my eyes went wide.


I could literally feel myself about to cry tears of joy.

"This is so beautiful, I love it".

And then, I wrapped my arms around Michael into a hug.

We both shared a kiss or two.

"Eew! Gross"!

Prince made a funny face, making us all laugh, and then he giggled.

"You guys have made me the happiest person in the world".

I said happily, and then went to go hang up my ornament on our Christmas tree.

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