He became the boss accidentally

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Everyone looked at Xu Yating with admiration, but what was more incredible was still to come.

Several of Huang Cheng's attendants also looked pretty pretty. One of them asked, "But boss, yesterday this girl refused you somehow."

Before he finished speaking, Huang Cheng gave him a backhand blow: "Don't talk to Xu Yating like this! From today on, Xu Yating is my boss. Who dares to bully her, I will never let him go! I, Huang Cheng

Cheng absolutely does what he says. "

The beaten attendant looked at Xu Yating angrily. Several people bowed their heads when they saw that Huang Cheng was really true, showing their obedience to Xu Yating. Huang Cheng then looked at Xu Yating flatteringly, hoping to get her

Xu Yating did not respond to her praise.

In just a few minutes, everyone seemed to be sleepwalking. I couldn't believe that all this was true. The famous bully actually recognized a little girl as the boss.

Deng Chao and Yu Jie behind him are tongue tied. Yu Weishao is interested in watching this scene. His eyes fall on Xu Yating with exploration, looking up and down at her

What ability can make Huang Cheng bow to her.

Xu Yating has no expression and seems to have no idea about Huang Cheng's behavior.

She calmly looked at her watch and said to Huang Cheng, "I'm not your boss. I'm going to have class soon. Don't bother me again."

When Huang Cheng saw that she opened the book, it seemed that she really wanted to start studying. He couldn't help but panic. His father repeatedly told her to make a good relationship with Xu Yating, and never let her be dissatisfied with herself.

He said in a low voice: "Xu Yating, I really know that I'm wrong. You can cool me."

Xu Yating, however, seemed to have never heard his words. She was holding the unfinished book as if she did not pay attention to the farce at all,.

Huang Cheng looks at her for ignoring him. His face is very red. No one in Peking University has ever refused to give him face like this. He didn't want her to be his boss, but he was rejected by her

Son, how can other people be afraid of me in the future? How can he be the school bully in the future!

"Xu Ting, the boss, you should be wrong! "

Huang Cheng left angrily after saying that. Xu Yating did not know that she had refused the beautiful things that many people could not refuse. Many envious eyes fell on her.

Yu Wei looks at her careless face and knows that she really doesn't pay attention to Huang Cheng, so he can't help but show more interest in her.

Who is she? Jingran can make the Huang family bow to her?

When Xu Lin came to find Yu Wei, she happened to see him looking at Xu Yating. The interest in his eyes could not be hidden. She was so angry that she clenched her bag and stepped forward to block Yu Weiwang's sight of Xu Yating.

'Wei, there's a new coffee shop at the school gate. How about going to have a cup of coffee after school? "

Yu Wei is a little upset when he is blocked by others. He looks up and sees that Xu Lincai reluctantly agrees to her request.

Xu Lin left the classroom with satisfaction. Seeing her leave, Changlei leaned over and whispered to Xu Yating, "Xu Lin has been chasing Yu Wei for a long time. Yu Weicai and Xu Lin have been dating. Now it seems that this rumor is

Really. "

Hearing this, Xu Yating could not help laughing at her hooked lips.

Looking back on their return home last night, Xu Jia and Xu Lin were more arrogant at home. Unexpectedly, they licked the dog so fiercely in front of Yu brothers. It would be interesting if the family knew about it

Lv Lei looks at Xu Yating. He scratches his head and asks, "Don't look at others, but worry about yourself. Is it really OK for you to refuse Huang Cheng like this?"

Xu Yating replied unconcerned, "Don't worry, it will be OK."

She didn't think about Huang Cheng at all, but looked at the English pages in front of her and slowly lost her mind:

Song Wei can't help thinking of him. His eyes are always charming and evil. She is always cynical. She still bothers him. I don't know how he recovers now.

However, as long as he was alive, her guilt would be less.

Thinking of this, Xu Yating breathed a sigh of relief.

When the class bell rang, Xu Yating slowly drew back her thoughts from the far temple.

The counting teacher came in with a bunch of test papers and high heels.

She asked Liu Lulu to hand out the test paper. She stood on the platform with her arms in her arms, looked coldly across the last rows of platinum positions, and sneered: "Some people in our class really can't copy the paper, and they make all the low-level mistakes

It's exactly the same. Why don't you just copy people's names? "

Deng Chao listened to her and said sarcastically in a low voice below: "It must be that Xu Yating's paper copying is too low-grade. We have been copying for so long and it's all right. Why did she say someone copied the paper when she first came to Shu

Child? "

Yu Hao also nodded, his eyes showing his disdain for Xu Junting.

Teacher Shu continued: "Deng Chao, Yu Hao and Yu Wei, you said that the three of you are not much better than each other. How can you copy each other? Throw the papers on the ground and step on them. They are more correct than you

Are you obviously afraid that I won't find out? "

Deng Nachao was unconvinced when she heard that Teacher Shu only said that they were three. "But Xu Yating also copied the paper! I saw her copy with my own eyes. Why didn't you tell her?"

Seeing that he still wanted to get Xu Yating into the water, Shu angrily said, "Even if you copy the paper yourself, you still want to slander your classmates? Xu Ting's paper is full marks! She is the only one in the class who has full marks, and even Liu Lulu is at a loss

After two questions, who did she copy? "

Deng Chao couldn't answer, "I hate Xu Yating. I know that I can make dry linen by Liu Lulu's paper..."

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