~ sleepover ~

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It was Friday night and the club had planned a sleepover at Haileys

Everyone was already there

Milly, Sean, Zander (lmfao he lives there 😭) , Luke, and Hailey (she also lives there 💀)

"Where is Jake?" Zander asks

"Late, like always" Milly replies

"I mean what do you expect? He's Jake after all." Hailey says

The group members laugh a little bit from the joke when the door bell rings

"Finally!" Milly says while getting up

but Hailey gets up first

"Hey! I wanted to get the door!!"
Milly yells

"Too late."
And Hailey speeds off to the door

Everyone was just confused

Milly's face goes into a smirk

"She sooooo has a thing for Jake"

"Don't even suggest it"
Zander says

Luke chuckles and says "It's okay baby."

and Luke kisses his forehead

"Bleh. Enough with the PDA."

Zander yells

let's go to where Hailey is so we don't have to see those two bickering lmao

Hailey open the door to see Jake in his pjs will a small bag over one of his shoulders

"Hi!" Jake happily says while waving

Haileys face burns up

"H-Hey! Come in"

Jake walks in and happily walks to where the club is

Hailey follows Jake with a flustered face

"Hey Jakey!!" Milly says while hopping up and giving him a high five


anyway time skip bc i wanna get to the Jailey part

it was about 12 am and everyone was tired, and everyone was discussing where they were gonna sleep

Zander immediately yells "Luke is mine!"

Luke chuckles and walks over to Zander

"Ok," Hailey starts saying "Milly can sleep with me-"

"I'm not sleeping with Hailey!"

"What?? Why?!"

Hailey wanted at least Sean or Milly because she wanted to avoid her crush (Jake) in all ways possible

"Because you have to listen to those weird rain sounds to fall asleep. I'm sleeping with Sean!"

Which means Hailey was left with


Everyone walked off to their rooms before Hailey could object.

Sean and Milly in the guest bedroom

Zander and Luke in Zander's room

And Jake and Hailey, in her room

"This is gonna be a disaster.."
Hailey says under her breath

And they both walk into the room and shut the door

This was awkward for the both of them

They both sat on the bed next to each other, unsure on what to do

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