~ proposal ~

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hello hello! before we start i was wondering if you guys had any requests for jailey oneshots.

you don't have to request anything, only if you want to.

smut - NO
fluff - yes
platonic - ofc
let me know!

*They all all over the age of 21*

The club was at Mrs. Wickham and Mr. Austin's house to spend a little bit of time of the holidays with them

"Zander! Hi honey, and hello to you too, Luke!"
Shannon greets Luke and Zander at the door and lets them in

"Hi Mrs. Wickham! How are you?"

"I'm great Luke, and for the last time, it's Shannon to you! Or mum if you prefer."

"Oh- I couldn't possibly.."

"Aww no need to get shy..!"

Just then Jake and Hailey knock on the door
Zander answers

"Hey Hailey! Hi Jake."

"Hey Zander!"
Hailey happily says to her brother

Jake also greets Zander
"Hi Zan!"

dk what to write at this point so i'm doing a time skip

All the club was hanging out with each other in the living room chatting, laughing, stuff like that

Hailey starts thinking about how she's so lucky she gets to spend christmas with her close family friends, and her boyfriend, Jake.

She looks over at Jake and gives him a kiss on the cheek, without him knowing

Jake looks over at Hailey and says
"Yes honey?"

No response

She just pecks him on the lips

You can see a tiny tint of blush appear of Jakes cheeks

"Are you okay?"
Jake asks Hailey

Haileys just says

"Yeah." as she proceeds to cuddle him and lays her head on his chest, listening to his slow and steady heartbeat.

Jake wraps and rests an arm around her waist as he lays his head on hers.

Shannon sees it and points it out to Micheal
"Micheal, Micheal! Look that them, aren't they adorable?!"
she whispers screams at him

"Yes hun, they are very adorable-"

"Awww look at Jake and Hailey, cuddling close together, my heart is melting!"
Shannon calls out

Michel face palms and laughs
"Okay honey, let's let them be.."

Jake opens his eyes after Hailey does and Hailey is embarrassed
"Sorry about her Jake."

Hailey starts getting up.

"I'll be right back, honey, I need to go to the bathroom."
she walks off

"Might as well tell Shannon and Michael." Jake whispers to himself under his breath

Jake walks over to Shannon and Michael

"Hi Mrs. Wickham and Mr. Austin
I just wanted to let you know that i'm proposing to Hailey later"
He pulls out a diamond ring in a small black case and carefully opens it only so the pair can see and quickly closes it and puts it back in his pocket.

Shannon was over the moon excited with her eyes lit up and her mouth in a large O shape
"That's great Jake! Does the rest of the club know?" Michael asks

"I plan on surprising everyone haha.."

Micheal decides to give Jake a tip.
"Well here's a tip, be confident, girls, especially Hailey, like confident people, just go for it."

"Okay, thank you for the tip Mr. Austin!"

"You're just like Luke yknow. Call us by our first names! We don't mind"

Jake sees Hailey is coming back and quickly says
"Thank you Mrs- I mean Shannon and Michael!"

Shannon chuckles as Jaileys starts cuddling again

Another time skip 🥳

In Zander and Haileys parents house lay a small doorway from the kitchen to the living room, and that's where Shannon and Michael decide to hand the mistletoe

Jaileys hands were intertwined as they walk into the kitchen to get a snack

"Wait!" Milly shouts

Jailey stops and looks over at Milly.
She points her finger in an upward motion, telling them to look up

Jake and Hailey look up and blush profusely as they look back down at each other, ready to share a kiss under the mistletoe

They slowly lean in and passionately share a kiss

They were like that for a few seconds until they separated

Jake thought right now was the time, time to propose

"Hailey, I love you so much, and you mean the world to me. You are smart, caring, and very lovable."

"Aww thank you Jake. I love you so much too."


"Yes Honey?"

"Will you make me the happiest man in the world..." Jake started kneeling down on one knee

Haileys eyes widened as Jake pulls out a small black box as he's kneeling down

"And marry me?" he fully opens the case to reveal a beautiful diamond ring

Haileys is completely astonished with her hands over her mouth, blush plastered all over her face, eyes widened.

Shannon was silently freaking out

And the club was very excited as well (not as excited at Shannon though).

"O-Oh my god Jake..! Yes... Yes yes yes!!!"

Hailey sticks her left hand out as Jake stands up and puts the ring on her ring finger, it fits perfectly.

Jake and Hailey share a hug as Hailey and Shannon are both crying of happiness

Jake and Hailey separate and share another passionate kiss

The club is non stop celebrating and congratulating the two.

Shannon and Michael in the background were more happy than ever, because now their little girl has found someone she loves and cares for

~ The end ~

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