~ rollerskating madness ~

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after FOREVER i finally have a new oneshot out
please forgive me 🙏
6 friends, Jake, Hailey, Milly, Sean, Zander, and Luke were at the mall.
It was Saturday, and Jake had invited everyone to the mall, to which they all said yes, so here they were, going from shop to shop, buying stuff.

Zander and Luke had disappeared, no one knew where they went.

They all had walked into a store and they were looking around when they noticed they were missing. Everyone brushed it off as Zander pulled Luke into another store to make out in the dressing room or something.

As they were looking around, Hailey found a bunch of roller skates, and she decided to point it out to them.

"Guys, look! There's a bunch of roller skates here, we should all get a pair!"

"Sorry Hails, i'm gonna have to pass, I don't want to get a concussion and snap my neck." Milly replied

"Sure! I havent roller skated in a while but it'll be fun." Jake walked up next to Hailey to find himself a pair.

Hailey was atleast happy she got one yes, hopefully she would get two, another one being from Sean
"What about you Sean?" Haileys asks, not looking towards him

"Sean disappeared like Zander and Luke, what do we do now?"
Milly asks while pointing at the spot where Sean was just at.

Hailey looks over and it was true, Sean had magically disappeared. She honestly didn't care and went back to shopping for the skates.

after a little bit, Hailey decided to get black skates with some blue stripes, and Jake got black skates that came with markers, because they were able to be drawn on.

Jake had immediately torn the box open so he could get to the markers, and once he did he was drawing all over the skates. (dw they already payed lolol)

Waiting at the store, Luke and Zander start approaching Milly and Hailey.
This catches Millys attention, "Hey! Where were you guys?!" Milly says harshly at Zander

Hailey finally notices and rolls her eyes at the two. "Yeah, where were you guys?"
Zander gasps and says "Don't blame me! There was a sale on for ties and heather sweaters!" While waving his arms in the air

"Yeah yeah, whatever, cmon Jake, let's go." Hailey looks at Jake obviously very focused on whatever he was drawing.
"Wait just a second, i'm almost done!" he yells out

He scribbled for another few seconds,
"Done! you like it?" Jake says happily while showing the club

"Haha, looks great!" Sean says
Everyone screams and looks at Sean.
"W- huh?! Didn't you just disappear for a while?! Where did you come from!??" Hailey exclaims

Ignoring them for a moment, what Jake drawn on the roller skates:
on the left roller skate he wrote

on the right one he drew all the club holding hands in a line:

on the right one he drew all the club holding hands in a line:

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to be exact :)

After a little bit, they decided to stop at Jakes house to hang out a little longer before they all went home.

(you can imagine how squished they were on the car ride there)

Jakes House

Everyone was out on Jakes drive way, preparing to see Jake and Hailey try their new roller skates as the sun slowly started to set.

While they were putting the roller skates on, Jake popped a random question, "How long have you been skating for?"

When Hailey heard the question, she looked away a bit in embarrassment, eventually pulling her head to look at Jake. "I've never skated.."

Jake was a bit surprised, but replied
"Well... Uh.."
Jake planned on giving Hailey some advice but couldn't find any to give her

"Nevermind, haha.... Good luck I guess?" Jake said while rubbing the back of his neck

Before Hailey could reply, he got up and skated away.

Hailey just shrugged her shoulders and tried to get up, almost falling backwards, she just kept balance on one of the cars in the driveway.

Hailey looked and saw that Jake managed to skate to the middle of the road, he was standing there with his fists clenched while holding his arms in the air.

Hailey worried for herself, wondering how in the hell she was gonna do this.
After a few seconds she started to *attempt* to skate.

All eyes went on her as she slowly slid down the driveway. She somehow managed to get on the road. Her next goal was to make it to Jake so she could use his arm for balance.

So off she went skating again, having absolutely no idea what or how she was going to make it without falling.

She was making progress, almost falling like a million times, Hailey yelping a bunch in between.

Everyone was laughing at her, as she went, Jake laughing the hardest.

After a few minutes, she made it.
She finally was stopped, standing right in front of Jake.

Everyone burst into applause for Hailey, because it took so long for her to get here.

Hailey just rolled her eyes and was about to achieve her final step: making it to Jakes arm.

She skated forward, finally, slipping.
Everyone's eyes widened as they saw her slip

Since Jake was the closest person to her, he'd have to do something to save her, or he could also be murdered by Zander for not helping her.

"Hailey!" Jake yelled out, reaching to her arms and successfully grabbing them, *almost* pulling her back up.

And what I mean about almost is that when he grabbed her arms, he started falling too. Yes, he slipped on his skates, too.

When Milly saw that happened she burst out into laughter as they both fell to the ground.

What made it even funnier was when they both fell to the ground, Hailey was on her back, Jake right on top of her, since he had grabbed her arms, they were pressed on the ground, basically it looked like Jake was pinning Hailey on the ground.

When Hailey realized the situation, a large red tint grew onto her face, but she didn't move, she just stared into his oak eyes. The same was happening for Jake.

The group watched Jailey stare at each other, not moving, no signs of struggles, or anything at all.

Milly smirked and whispered to Sean, "Hah, I think Hailey is enjoying being pinned to the ground by Jake."

Milly slowly started pulling her phone out, Sean noticing. "Don't even think about it missy." He says to her

Zander was fuming, getting ready to tell him off. Luckily, Luke calmed him down before he did that.

Nevermind ☺️

~ The end ~

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