~ gender reveal ~

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some of you guys liked the first 2 parts so i'm making a gender reveal

i don't really wanna do one where's she's giving birth, so a gender reveal is fine

Just so you know, whenever i say Jailey i mean Jake and Hailey, not a typo!

Jailey  was getting ready extra early

Because today was the big day

the gender reveal!

Hailey was at her desk in her shared room with Jake, he was fumbling in the closet looking for something to wear

Hailey was doing her makeup

"Can you really still not find something to wear?"
Hailey says to Jake as she's putting eyeliner on

"Well if you're so upset come choose one for me! I don't want anything too nice or something that looks bad!"

"Ok, i'm coming!"

Hailey says as she scoots out of her chair and starts walking over to their walk in closet

Hailey grabs something, hands it to Jake and says

"Here you go."

she says walking back to her desk

before she walks through the door
she says

"That was soooo hard by the way."
she says in a sarcastic way

Jake rolls his eyes and views the outfit

Light denim ripped jeans, plain orange button up, and his iconic jacket to complete the look.

But unfortunately his iconic jacket was getting too small for him, he was getting older and that jacket really wouldn't be able to fit him any longer

~ 30 minutes later ~

Jake was completely ready, with his outfit and hair done

He walks back into him and Haileys room to see Hailey still at her desk

"You're still doing your makeup??"

"Of course! I wanna look my best."

"You're acting as if you're getting ready for a wedding."

"Oh shut it you! Anyway, can you head downstairs, the worker we hired is gonna be here soon."

"Be ready soon so she can see you!"
Jake tells Hailey

"Okay, Okay, now go downstairs!"

Jake walks through the door and shuts it, then goes downstairs.

He looks all around the place and sees many decorations, plus a table outside in the backyard with a large white foldable table that's already open, it had a large red table cloth covering the entire thing to protect it.

"Man, Hailey decorated all this?"
Jake says under his breath

Just then the doorbell rings as Jake looks up at the door

He walks up to it and opens the door


It was the worker they hired

"Oh, hello! Come in."
Jake happily replies

The worker walks in and looks around at all the decorations

"Wow, who made all this?"

"My wife haha.. She loves decorating."

"Ah.. Ok. That makes sense."

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