~ Pt 2 ~

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this is a part 2 to my last one shot.

SIDE NOTE: before anyone comes at me they are not minors, every one is older than the age of 21.

It had been about a week since Hailey told Jake the news. Jake had been wondering if they should tell the club about it. because, you know. kinda hard to hide a baby bump.

Hailey was watching a movie on the tv in their living room when Jake walks into the room.

"Hey, Hails."

"Oh hi honey! Do you need anything?"
Hailey pauses the movie.

"Yeah, just a question to ask."

"Oh, what's up?" she says while patting the spot next to her, telling him to sit down

Jake sits down a little nervous, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So, what's up?" Hailey softly says as she smiles at Jake

"Well.. I was wondering.."

"Are we gonna tell the club about, you know."

"About me being pregnant, yes of course! I was gonna ask them all when they could meet up for it."

Jake sighed a breath of relief and looked back at Hailey "Have you asked yet?" he asks Hailey

"Yeah, they said this Friday, so i'm really excited, I wanna see how they react!"

"I bet they would be nothing but excited."
Jake replies

"I also have a way of telling them!"

"Man you really planned this out huh."

Hailey says as she's walking off

Jake chuckles lowly while waiting for his wife

Jake sees Hailey coming back with a small plain light blue present bag and hands it to Jake.

As he opens it he sees her pregnancy test wrapped in tissue paper
inside the present bag

"Sooo.. i'll hide it and they have to find it!! Man, I can't wait for Friday!!"

"Wow hun, I can tell you're excited, i'm actually kind of nervous haha.."

"Aww, why Jake?"


Hailey is silent for a few seconds then starts laughing hysterically

"S-shut it!"

Hailey calms down and they both snuggle up against each other, they continue watching the movie together.


Hailey was running around the house putting up small decorations everywhere, and she had the light blue goodie bag on the counter, preparing to hide it.

it was around noon, and the club was coming at 3.

"Wow. You're doing all this for the pregnancy reveal?"

"Yes!! Doesn't it look great?"

"It looks amazing Hails, but they aren't coming for 3 hours."

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