~ mosquito bites ~

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Hailey walked up to Zander in the hallway

"Hi Zander"
"Hi Hailey"

Hailey saw Jake walking towards her and Zander and immediately got flashbacks of her "studying last night"

"Hey guys!" Jake waves

"Hi. I cant help but notice the marks on Haileys neck. Do you know what happened?"

Jake immediately stops walking and is just frozen.
you can tell that there was blush all over his face

"O-oh i'm not sure."

"Oh. ok."

Hailey and Jake give each other a look while profusely blushing

they then see the rest of the group coming towards them, Luke first

"Hey guys!" Luke happily says before momentarily waking over to Zander

"What's on your neck, Hailey? Are you okay?"

Jake and Hailey take a small glance at each other once again knowing that they needed to make an excuse, cause everyone would ask

"Oh, it's uh, mosquito bites....?!"

Jake was astonished at the answer.

Jake whipped out his phone and quickly texted Hailey

what kind of excuse is that???!!


well i didn't know what to say!!


Zander suspiciously says

Zander pulls out his phone and texts something and quickly puts his phone away

Milly and Sean just arrive and greet everyone

Milly starts
"Hi Zander, hi Hailey, hi Luke,"
She slowly turns to Jake and says

"Hello, mosquito"

Jake and Hailey blush like hell

there was no getting out of that one

~The end~

💕Jailey One shots💕Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora