~ cabin trip ~

740 10 35

story idea by: Sofia2658834


It was the day before New Year's eve and the club was planning on going to a cabin somewhere where it snowed (idk the name to anywhere that snows), and they were all currently packing their stuff at Haileys house(practically everything is gonna happen at Haileys in these oneshots 😭)

why were they packing at haileys house? who knows 🤷‍♀️

Hailey and the club were in her room packing and chatting, Milly saw Hailey packing her dark pink cardigan, out in the open, not in a bag or anything, when Milly got a devious, devious, devious thought.

Jake on the other hand was struggling to close his suitcase

Jake was tugging at the zipper but it wouldn't close

he whispered under his breath

"Can someone help me close this? It won't close..." he tries to yell out for someone to hear
Hailey was the only one who heard him as she looked over when he started talking, nobody else could really hear him because they were just talking to each other

"Bingo!" Milly mentally shouts

Hailey walks over to Jake to help him with his suitcase, as Milly sneaks past her so she doesn't see and carefully, not making a sound, grabs Haileys jacket and sneaks back to her suitcase, shoving it behind some clothes so nobody could see she had it.

"Jake, really? Could you not close that?" Hailey says while softly giggling

Jakes cheeks grow a bit of blush and rubs his hand behind his neck
"Haha I guess not..."

Hailey scoffs and rolls her eyes sarcastically as she gets up and walks back to her suitcase

she looked in her suitcase and didn't see her dark pink cardigan

"Wait.. Where did my jacket go??" she asks herself, but no one else heard

She was searching around her suitcase
looking for it

"Huh. Weird. I guess Zander put it in another bag for jackets or something."

She closes her suitcase and zips it up, by then everyone was finished, except for Milly who was making SURE Haileys jacket wasn't noticeable in her suitcase at all.

"Okay," Hailey begins to speak to get everyone's attention

"Is everyone finished packing?"
Hailey asks

"Yep!" Luke replies to Hailey
"Me and Zander are done."

"I'm done!" Jake says

"Me too." Sean adds on

Milly was just zipping her suitcase up and she yells

"Me three!"

"Okay, perfect. Now we can load everything in the car, and be on our way."

Everyone rolls their suitcase to the big van (foreshadowing it wasn't that big) Hailey and Zander's parents rented for the trip, the car ride was about 5 hours long, and everyone loads everything into the back.

"Okay so while we are loading, who is sitting where?" Sean finally asks

"Hmm, I didn't think about that."
Hailey admits

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