part 2

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"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!
He tried asking but instead of getting an answer he felt himself getting dragged away somewhere. He could feel more than one guy holding him now making him more scared than He already was.
He tried to jerk his hand away from someone's grasp but he failed miserably.
Taehyung could feel his heart racing and his legs feeling like jelly. He was shocked and scared to another level. He have no idea who the man are and where are they taking him or what they even want from him.
Before he could register anything he felt himself getting thrown somewhere and he heard a car door closing sound, indicating hecwas inside a car now while two man were holding him from either side.
Taehyung can feel the car moving, indicating they were taking him somewhere.

"Where're you taking me?! What do you want from me?!"
He shouted out loud, trying to free his hand from the grip on his both's arms. He felt his hands getting tied on his back with the a rope. Taehyung's heart was racing out of his chest, tears brimming in corner of his eyes. His voice shaking but he managed to sound it as stiff as possible. " S----- Stop! Don't tie my foot!
Why are you doing this?! Who even are you?! If you are kidnapping me for money then you're dump! I don't have money!"
Instead of getting answer to any of his questions, he felt someoone warpping a cloth around his mouth preventing him to utter anything. He screamed within the barrier produced by the cloth on his mouth as he wriggled his hands but no use, he was stuck inside thee car.

" What do you mean he ran away?! Then who is the guy in my mansion?!"
The mafia blurts out, his voice laced in anger and frustration as he listens to the man on the other side of the phone.
He was claded in a black leather jacket and black slacks hugging his muscley thigh tightly. Tattoes glistening on his hand as he held the phone on his ear.
He hung up the call with heavy sigh of annoyance. He threw the phone on the floor with a loud thud, making every single man present in the hall to flinch their eyes. " I told you you to kidnap this guy and you guys end up kidnapping someone else! Useless mother Fucker !"
He spits in anger, eyeing his men standing in front of him with their heads hung low.
He pulls out his gun from his back's pants pocket and pointed it towards the male, not even thinking before shooting the man on his leg who screamed in pain and fell on the floor with an another thud. The rest of the men, looked at the male on the ground, hissing in pain not even taking a step towards him to help him.

"Where is the guy?!"
Mafia asked more like shouted.
"I----In the guest room, Boss."
One of his men answered immediately not wanting to make him more angry.

" Take him to the hospital!"
Mafia said looking at the man on the floor, splashing the floor in red with blood oozing out from his leg.
"And make sure this mistake never happens again! Is that clear?!"
"Yes Boss!"

So guys what do you think? What will happen in the part?
Hope you guys like it. Sorry about any grammar mistake I will try to fix it .
Love you please give me and this book another of support and love .

Borahae 💜 .

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