pat 17

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Hi , cupcakes sorry for late update, I couldn't update because of my studies and exams 🙂 but now my exams are over , I will try to update faster, but I can't promise I am sorry . Hope u enjoy, vote and comments please 🙏 it really give me motivation. Love Y'all ❤️ 😍 💖

Taehyung had woken up an hour ago. Doctor told them to remove the bandage in the evening. And now was the time to see the result. Taehyung's mother was standing at distance from the bed where Taehyung was sitting on, a white bandage wrapped around his eyes. The doctor and nurse were standing beside the bed too waiting for Taehyung to permit them to remove the bandage.

But Taehyung wasn't letting them because he was waiting for certain someone to come first and hold his hand. He wants to see Jungkook with his new eyes first but it's been an hour and Jungkook was't showing up. "Mom, Try to call him again please. Ask him, where he is now? Tell him we are waiting for him." Taehyung said to his mother who sighs but calls jungkook anyways.

"He is still not picking up. Maybe he got some work to do. Let's just see the result. Taehyung. You can meet him later. The doctors are also waiting for it here. We can't just waste their time right? Please let them do their work, honey." Taehyung's mother said sweetly and Taehyung sighed. Taehyung really wanted to see jungkook first, before anyone else. But seems like, fate wasn't his side today.

Taehyung gulps lightly before nodding his head. Taehyung's mother smiled and gestured doctors to do their work. Doctor removes the bandage off of Taehyung's eyes slowly and then cottons. Taehyung still have his eyes closed. "Okay, now open your eyes slowly. Very slowly." Taehyung heard doctor speaking and he nods before opening his closed eyes slowly. "Slow. very slow. Relax."

Initially it was blurr, everywhere until Taehyung's eyes landed on his mother who was looking at him only, with a concerned look "M-Mom? Taehyung murmured as he took a look of his mother. She was wearing a peach coloured blazer, her hairs tied backwards in a bun. Her face was covered in wrinkles that weren't there when Taehyung was fifteen. Taehyung's mother's eyes widened when he saw his son looking in her eyes that he have never done in these seven years.

Taehyung looked around and found few doctors standing there, his eyes trails from them to his own body which was covered in blue gown, he lifted his hands and sees it, then looks at his mother who ran towards him and engulfed him in a warm hug. "Mom! Mom, I can see. I can see mom. I can see you. I can see everything." Taehyung said happily and his mother sniffed lightly.His mother pulls off the hug and cups his son's cheeks, her eyes filled with tears - tears of happiness. "Yes honey. I'm so happy for you. It's the best day of my life. All
thanks to Jungkook." Mrs kim said between his tears and hugs Taehyung again. Taehyung's smiles fades at the name of him. Oh how much he wants jungkook to be here with him. He wanted to see him so bad.

- One day later-

Taehyung was discharged from the hospital the other day. He entered his house with his mother trailing behind him, carrying a bag of necessites - used while Taehyung was in hospital. Taehyung smiles when he saw his house after seven years. It was almost unbelievable that he got his eyesight back. Taehyung complimented his mother for making the house so beautiful.
Everything is just so perfect now. He can start doing painting, he can start going to the same school as others, he can make new friends, he can do everything what a simple normal man of twenty two years would do. He is so happy that he can't express it in words. But was he really happy? If he was happy then why wasn't he smiling? He just gave a fake smile to his mother who called him.

"Taehyung, I'm gonna cook something for you. Okay? You look so thin by eating hospital's food." Mrs kim said and Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I was in hospital for just a day, mother." He said with a chuckle. "So what? You still look thin. I like my chubby tiger more." She comments before walking towards the kitchen and Taehyung smiles, sitting on the sofa.

Taehyung sighed as he stares at the carpet on the floor. Anyone could say by looking at him that he wasn't entirely happy. He wanted jungkook beside him. A day have passed and mafia still wasn't showing up. Where the hell is he? Taehyung was missing him so bad. He wanted to see him with his eyes. Maybe he left! He left him. No! He can't that. Taehyung shooks his thoughts out of his brain.

"Here, hot and tasty pancakes for my taebear." Mrs kim chirped, walking towards Taehyung and setting the plate on the table. Taehyung smiles genuinely at his mother and took a bite of sweet pancakes, smiling widely. This is so tasty, mom. And it look so good. Your plating skills are improved now. Interesting." He comments and his mother dusted the fake dust from her shoulder.

After eating the pancakes, his mother started collecting the dishes from the table. "Mom, C-can you uhm give me jungkook's number? I-I just wanted to thank him. I mean he is the reason I got my eyesight back" Taehyung stuttered out, not really telling the real reason. "Sure but. Are you sure you want his number to just thank him?" She asked, wiggling his eyebrows and Taehyung's eyes widened in response. "Mom!"

She laughs lightly and said, "Okay! Okay! Got it. You just want to thank him. Nothing more." She raised her hands in surrender and Taehyung shooks his head. Taehyung got jungkook's number and tried contacting him. He sat on the bed with a heavy sigh and dialed the number again but Jungkook wasn't picking up. "Come on, Jungkook!" He whined calling him again and again.

He laid down on the bed and kept on staring at the phone screen, waiting for a response from mafia but got nothing. He sighs, throwing phone on the bed. He looks out the window from the bed, where he was laying. He recalled all the memories he have spent with him, a smile appears on his lips and slept while thinking of him.

-3 days later-

It's been three days and guess what? Jungkook was still no where to be found. Taehyung had tried contacting him but he wasn't picking up. Taehyung was going crazy. He trust jungkook from bottom of his heart and he knew jungkook will never leave him. He felt when Jungkook touched him or speaks to him, that he loves him truly. There must have been something going on with him that he didn't show up in these three days. But he should have atleast...

Informed him before disappearing on him, just like that. Taehyung knows he will completely loose his mind if he keep on thinking about him. He will come back to him eventually. He just need to stay calm and wait for him. But what he should do to distract his mind? Right! Painting. He got up from the sofa and asked his mother about the canvas and paint brushes that he used when he was a teenager.

His mother told him that all the stuff are packed together in the basement because his mother wanted to secure it for future. Taehyung went in the basement and collected all the painting related materials and came inside his room. He set the canvas on the stand and placed a white sheet on it. He brought a stool from the kitchen and placed it next to the canvas.

He poured down the paints on the pallet and placed brushes next to it. He smiled looking at all the materials placed beautifully in front of him. He happily dipped the brush into the paint and brought it to the canvas. And he stopped. He didn't think what should he draw? He thought for few seconds and he smiled widely when he got a idea. Jungkook. He will draw jungkook. It sounds quite unrealistic that he was about to draw someone who he have never seen before.

He closed his eyes and tried remembering everything about his face. He remembered, his face when he touched him, soft hairs, flat forhead, soft cheeks, sharp jawline, soft and shaped lips. He opened his eyes started to draw him on the canvas. It took him about two hours to complete the painting. He smiled widely while looking at the painting, he just drew.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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