Chapter 2

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Alfred F. Jones, a gifted lad when it comes to painting and has been working under Gilbert for quite some time now, is sickly worried about his career. He had been walking for a total of 40 minutes yet, he didn't find any amazing thing to paint on his way.

"As if I'd find something great in this place." He annoyingly reminded himself.

Just as he was about to turn right, his eyes landed on the gathering crowd and a soft jazz instantly filled the air he was currently breathing. He looks at both of his sides and with an unsure smile, he secretly tiptoed towards the circle. He was guessing that a group of young people are playing a jazz but the circle was to small for a piano and a drum to fit in. The gathering peeps didn't actually bothered him at first, but as the mass cheered and clapped, he forcedly pushed himself towards the front, discounting the hisses and the complains.

Once he was able to see what was happening, he caught himself staring at the single bloke dancing around in a graceful manner. He was wearing a white tank top beneath a red and white jacket, and his hair was tousled and was dripping with sweat. The light from the sunset had fallen across the dancer's face bathing his features in a heavenly gold, Alfred was quite sure his breath had caught in his throat.

He wanted to tear his eyes away from him but he couldn't do anything. He couldn't stop himself from staring shamelessly as the man jumped around and swayed to the beat. He could feel himself slowly melting at the sight.

What brought him back to reality was when the dancing man across him met his eyes and God, he couldn't help but gawked at the greenest green he had ever seen.

The music slowly faded and the crowd started throwing money on the hat that sat on the floor. Alfred mechanically fished his wallet and dropped two dollars on the said thing.

He went home smiling that day.

"Good job!" Gilbert grinned as he examined the new artwork submitted by Alfred on the exact deadline."I like how green it is, very... good."

Alfred wasn't sure if he was going to be flattered or not since Gilbert's voice wasn't exactly that jolly. He awkwardly shifted his weight from one foot to another and he landed his eyes on the other's.

"Thank you?" He whispered but the man across him was able to catch it. The buyer smiled and lifted the painting, inspecting it from side to side. "I suppose this is good now but still, I wanted something awesomer."

Alfred gaped at him and he angrily shook his fists. "Isn't that enough?" He bellowed and Gilbert let out a hearty chuckle.

"Buckle up, I'm still buying this Green viper of yours, I love how you colored it." He commented and took his check out of the drawer. "How much?"

The painter stood there with an unimpressed look etched on his face but he gave him the price nonetheless. After everything was settled and a few handshakes from the two, Alfred walked out and hoped that he could satisfy Gilbert the next time.

He took the longer route again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the dancer that gave him the idea in regarding the Green Viper. If it wasn't for his green eyes that captivated Alfred in first sight, he might have lost Gilbert and his career.

The walk was fast and swift and he was glad that only a little crowd was there since the guy had just began his dancing. He took his place in the front and he smiled deeply when their eyes connected once again. It was that sight that Alfred won't ever forget and would dream of whenever he was sleeping. He could just stare at it the whole day and would never get bored.

The man started with a slow dance at first but when the beat picked up its pace, so was his dancing. He gracefully swiveled at the sound of the jazz and Alfred couldn't help but notice that his blond hair was already messy before he started dancing. The crowd started to gather once again and when the music ended, money poured here and there. Alfred dropped five dollars this time.

Before he could turn around and walk away, someone held his arm and he instantly whipped his head at the back. The first thing that captured him was the green eyes that belonged to someone he had been watching awhile ago and his heart started to beat in a horrendous pace.

"So you're the guy who has been giving me large amount of chunks." The dancer spoke in a foreign accent and Alfred determine that it was British. "I thank you for that."

He stood there with a red face and he regained his composure after five seconds later. "No problem," He rolled the words out of his tongue and he helped himself from wandering his eyes across the other's features. "Wow, thick brows," He commented nonchalantly when his eyes landed on the large eyebrows no man could easily possessed.

The dancer scowled a bit and released his arm in an instant. "Excuse me?" He inquired and crossed his arms above his chest. Alfred couldn't help but smile at the pouting man in front of him.

"I didn't mean to criticize them, take what I said as a compliment, dude." He laughed obnoxiously and the other scrunched up his face in distaste. How dare this man call him dude? That is so improper!

"I'll let you pass this time for criticizing my brows- nope, don't cut me off, I'll take that as a criticism," He held a hand up when he saw the man about to part his lips. "And that's just because you gave me a lot of money, not because you look charming and hot."

Alfred was, needless to say, confuse about the man's attitude but he shrugged them off when he realizes something. "So, you think I'm charming and hot?" A smile stretched on his lips and he winked at the dancer who was now turning beet red.

"I-I did not think of that!" He stuttered a bit and stomped his foot to look a bit intimidating but all it did was make him cute in Alfred's eyes.

"Yes, you did~" The painter sang and earned a slap on the arm. He laughed at him and stretched his hand out for the other to shake. "I'm Alfred F. Jones!" He introduced enthusiastically before saluting with his other hand.

The dancer gave him a hesitant look before checking both of his sides for nothing in particular. A few seconds later, he took the other's hand and shook it. "Arthur Kirkland's the name."

They stood there appreciating each other's warm hand, both not wanting to let go immediately. Arthur couldn't help but notice how smooth Alfred's palm is but at the same time, calloused. They stood there, link to each other until Arthur snapped out of his reverie.

"I-I guess, I have to go home." He mumbled awkwardly as he pulled away his hand, the warm feeling disappearing in an instant.

Alfred secretly whined at the lost contact but he tipped his invisible hat and grinned anyway. "See you somewhere again, Arthur." He waved and started to strut but he paused mid-way. "It's nice meeting you!" He shouted at him and disappeared around the corner.

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