Chapter 5

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"Excuse me?" Arthur asked in surprise, his voice jumping three octaves. "Did I just hear you right?"

The painter nodded.

"Bloody hell, no!" Arthur screamed and backed away in horror, his hand gripping the edge of the painting and Alfred paid no attention on how strong his grasps were. All he needed to attend right now is the Briton.

"Aw, please?" He begged him.

"I'm so sorry but I don't do modeling and, and- damn, don't you dare pull that pouting trick on me, Jones!"

The American smiled a bit for Arthur remembered his last name but he returned back to his puppy eyes mode. "Aw, c'mon Artie, I really need you, so, so much!" He practically whined and attracted a second batch of crowd. "I'll even pay you big time!"

The dancer looked away but his cries were overpowering it made him look back in an instant. He can't just resist those eyes and jutting lower lip, plus, he needed money for his rent so he guess it's a win-win. Alfred gets his share and he, his portion. "Okay then," He muttered at last and the American pumped his fist up with a strong 'Yes!' escaping his mouth.

"Thank you so much, Arthur!" He screamed loudly and crushed the Brit in a bear hug. The poor bloke, tried to wriggle himself free but the American was way too strong for him. He could not just escape that easily.

"C-can't... breathe!" He gasped and writhed again in a poor attempt to save himself.

"Oh," Was all Alfred said before releasing the red face man, but still holding him however. "But really, I'm so happy, Arthur. Thank you."

The sincerity in his voice was overwhelming and Arthur swore he could just melt in his arms once again but he pulled away with a small beam (and a light blush he doesn't want to admit). "I-I'm not doing it for you, git! I'm doing it for the money!"

Alfred let out a few chuckles before straitening up. "So, where do you live?" He asked casually as if he was Arthur's closest friend.

The Briton shook his head in horror and he simply slapped his approaching hand. "I'm not telling you that, arsehat!" He growled and tried his best to look threatening but he totally sucks ass at that.

"But we have to get your clothes, you have to stay with me for a few nights."

"I have to what?!" Arthur inquired, a new expression painted clearly on his face. "Hold on a second, I can't just stay on your house! Hell, I barely know you!"

"Does that matter?" He complained loudly as he slumped his shoulders. Oh how mature of him.

"Of course! You could be a bloody murderer or-" He suddenly stopped when he scanned Alfred's face. No, this bloke didn't even look close to the thing he just accused him. "Well, maybe a drug dealer."

"Seriously, Artie-"

"Don't call me that!"

"Arthur," the American drawled. "I'm not going to harm you, my job relies on you."

As much as Arthur wanted to argue, Alfred was right. His job relies on him. "Why me?" He suddenly asked.

The blue-eyed boy thought for a moment and when he didn't speak for a while, Arthur snapped at him.

"Okay, okay!" He muttered, his hands flying up to defend himself. "I picked you because you got me at first sight, especially your eyes and... and my boss wants me to paint him a dancer." He paused as he felt his cheeks heat up, he's so blunt he can't believe it himself.

"Your boss wants you to paint him a dancer?"

"Well yes, but I really want to paint you, especially your eyes." At the mention of that, Arthur quickly looked away and suppressed a blush.

"Git, my eyes are nothing special."

"No!" Alfred roared but he apologized afterwards for rising his tone so sudden. "Don't say that, it's the most perfect eyes I've ever seen in my whole life."

Arthur's face went 50 shades of red and he bit his lower lip to stop himself from feeling giddy and excited. But something hit him... "Wait, you sounded gay."

Alfred quickly averted his eyes away and he hastily changed the topic. "So, where do you live? We don't have all day."

Arthur puffed his cheeks and look towards the small apartment that could be seen from their spot. He gave out a long sigh before smiling at the eager man beside him. "I think I need to stay home tonight, we could just start tomorrow." He suggested and when he saw Alfred about to give him another puppy look, he stopped him. "That or nothing, okay?"

The American could do nothing but nod his head.

"We'll see each other tomorrow afternoon at exact 1 PM." Arthur said as he fixed himself once again. "See that café over there?"

Another nod from the painter.

"I'll be waiting there for you." The Brit offered him one of his rarest smile and he quickly held the painting towards the other man. "But seriously though, you have such great talent."

Alfred let out a toothy grin and he slowly pushed the piece back. "If you like it that much, you can have it." He said, his voice soft and caring... It was very sincere.

The green eyed man blushed once again and slowly embraced the item. "T-Thank you, it's really lovely for you to give this art to me."

"No problem." Alfred smiled and waved his hand as a sign of goodbye. "I'll see you tomorrow then, pack some things, 'kay?"

The Brit rolled his eyes at him. "I will, you git."

They parted with a happy aura lingering their body, a promise to see each other imprinted in their brains.

Paint Me A Dancer [USUK]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara