Chapter 3

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That night, Alfred sat on his working room with his paint tools propped beside him. He was planning to burn the midnight oil tonight and that's because of Arthur, his new dancing friend. You can just say that he's inspired to the fullest and a burning feeling won't dissolve inside his chest until he ran his brush across the canvass.

He swiped here and there, mixed colours on the palette, and sigh contently every now and then. He wanted this to be beautiful, graceful, much like the same with Arthur. His brain wandered back to the time where they met and introduced themselves to each other and he couldn't help but smile at the memory. He unconsciously grasped the hand that Arthur shook and a wider smile appeared on his face. Man, what was happening to him? How could Arthur make him act like this?

He was halfway through his work when his cat, Ace, an American short hair, crawled onto his lap. He pet the ball of fur before setting him back down on the floor. "Not now, boy." He spoke softly and returned back to work. "Papa needs to finish something."

He imagined Arthur's touch once again and an even wider smiled spread on his face. He painted the golden butterfly fluttering on the greenest leaves and he could feel the joy radiating inside him. The main colors of his painting were gold as Arthur's messy hair and green as his beautiful eyes. He hoped that Gilbert would enjoy this one as much as he did but it turned out he was wrong.

"What is this, Jones?" The older man whined as he inspected the artwork that was done wholeheartedly the previous night. He was about to flip the said thing off his table when Alfred growled and stopped him from doing so.

"Don't you dare do that." He emphasized each word and glared at the man across him who only rolled his eyes in return.

"You're getting gayer and gayer, Alfred." He jeered and pushed the piece towards the other's chest and Alfred caught it with pure care. "I understand your sexuality bro, but don't apply it on your fucking paintings."

The artist's eyes watered for a bit and he blinked back the tears. "I'm not applying it! And speak for yourself, as if you weren't gay like me!"

The German owner growled and rose up in a fast manner, making his chair stumble and fall with a loud thud. "Watch your mouth!"

The blond bit back another retort and only exhaled loudly in return. "Whatever," He muttered afterwards.

The atmosphere around them thickened and if one of them won't speak, they would surely suffocate. Alfred decided he would be the one breaking the ice but Gilbert beat him to it. "Jones, this will be the last time, okay?" He said quietly but his words were firm and strong. "I would give you one last chance and if your works wouldn't improve, I'm sorry."

He quickly turned his back and that's when Alfred lose it.

"What do you want me to paint then?!" He screamed and slammed his balled up fist on the table, a loud bang echoed around the room. "Tell me so I could satisfy your fucking taste!"

Gilbert didn't seem to budge by the loud noises and he only sighed loudly. "I don't know Alfred, paint me a dancer." He muttered sarcastically but Alfred took it literally.

"Then why didn't you say so?" He said at his fullest volume before running towards the door and twisting it open. "Give me a week, Gilbert." He smiled and slammed it close afterwards.

The man inside slowly turned his heel around and pinched the spot in between his eyes. "I was just sarcastic, you fucking shit."

A/N: I apologize for the short chapter :3 I'll update soon enough to get back to you guys :D

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