Chapter 12

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"Get dress," Alfred suddenly spurted as he approached the sitting man on the couch, the activity from earlier completely forgotten. His face was contorted in annoyance and anxiety as he tried to balance the phone in between his shoulder and ear. "We have somewhere to go,"

Arthur lifted his head up and glanced at the American's face but before he could question him why, the said man sent him a stern look and it made him scramble to his feet towards his room. At least they won't be spending more time together and make things extra awkward.

Arthur quickly shut the door of his space and scuttled to where his little pack was. "What to wear, what to wear?" He repeated to himself as he ran his fingers through his matted blond hair. Damn Alfred for not telling him where they'll go. How is he supposed to find a suitable attire for the event?

He let out a frustrated sigh as he slumped face first on the bed and as if on cue, a couple of hasty knocks resounded from the door followed by a; "Get ready in five minutes, Artie. I'll just take a fast bath and then we're out."

The Briton grunted in reply before pulling himself together. Seriously, who was on the phone and where are they going?

His eyes lazily roamed around the room and only stopped when they settled upon an all too familiar paper bag. He picked the said thing up and skimmed the contents before a smug smile appeared on his lips.

"Arthur, you ready-?" Alfred stopped himself from saying more words when his eyes landed on the dancer. His cerulean orbs subconsciously wandered the other's lean but toned figure and his jaw abruptly fell open.

Who would have thought that the Arthur Kirkland, with just a simple trench coat and a scarf, would look seriously dashing?

"Alfred," Arthur coughed and suppressed himself from blushing. "If you're going to treat me like some sort of an eye candy, at least do it secretly. Don't be obvious."

The called man turned a deep shade of scarlet and he quickly stuttered a reply. "Oh, God, no, no- I wasn't-"

"Alfred, you said we have somewhere to go."

"Yes," The American shut himself and went for the door, sweeping past an equally flustered Brit.

He climbed towards his truck and waited for Arthur to hop in before turning the engine on. As his feet pressed against the accelerator, Arthur decided to speak.

"Where are we heading?"

Alfred tapped his fingers against the wheel and decided to rest his other elbow on the open wind shield. "We're meeting my brother at the airport,"

"Y-you're brother?" Arthur stammered nervously. Why did he have to come along? That would be totally embarrassing!

"Correction, my twin brother." Alfred stated bitterly, emphasizing the word 'twin' while his charming cute face scrunched up in a pestered look.

Arthur gaped at the new information from the painter and he tried to pin that inside his head. Alfred has a twin? No matter how unbelievable the idea was, Arthur couldn't stop himself from fawning over the two Americas.

"And oh," Alfred decided to continue when he saw the dreamy look plastered on the dancer's face. "We're the complete opposites so don't get your hopes up. He's not even gay..." The last part was just a murmur but Arthur was able to catch it.

"Oh," He uttered, speechless. "Does he know you're-"

"Of course, he knows but he doesn't care anyway."

Arthur nodded and patted the others arm to show unneeded sympathy and Alfred only smiled in return.

"And by the way, it seems like he's staying in my house for a while so I guess we have to... um," Alfred trailed off as his cheeks burned . "Er..."

"Spit it out, Jones."

Alfred rubbed the nape of his neck and he casts a glance towards Arthur. "We have to share the bedroom."

The green eyed man mechanically leaped from his seat and, no doubt, hit his head against the roof. A sense of déjà vu washed against Alfred and he chuckled quietly despite the heavy atmosphere.

"What the bloody hell did you just say?" Arthur spat, ignoring the building pain on the top of his head. "We have to share?"

A short nod proved what he heard was right. "I have no choice, okay?" Alfred retorted.

"B-but, you and your twin brother are supposed to be the one sharing, not us!"

The American sighed deeply before rubbing his temple. "I, for a bazzilion years, will never, ever, share a bed with that idiot!"

"And I'm quite surprise that came out from your mouth," Arthur sneered before staring at the whipping trees they pass by through the window. It won't hurt if they would stay inside the same room, right? Ah, but Arthur has some 'unexpainable' feelings towards the American...

"Okay then," The Briton whispered. Screw everything and let the wind carry him.

Alfred couldn't help but grin widely at his response. He quickly pulled over at the side of the road and threw Arthur a bear hug, sticking onto him like a piece of gum. He can't hide how much the other man made him happy."One more thing though," Alfred whispered on his ear as he tightened the embrace. "Be my boyfriend,"

A/N: Hey there once again! My oh my, it's been a while since the last one, eh? School's a wee bit hectic and I have no time for writing XD But I will try my best to proceed to the next chapter :)

P.S. Any idea who's Alfred's twin? :3

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