Chapter 4

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Alfred rushed down the walkway with his face scrunched up in determination, his cape fluttering loudly behind him. He needed to see Arthur, he needed his help, he needed him in a jiffy...

He walked towards the familiar place where the said lad dances and a small smile made its way up towards his face. The spot gives him a warm fluttering feeling inside his chest and he could just stand there and let the feeling linger but he has business to do. With a deep sigh, he tucked the painting in between his armpit and stepped forward towards the thick crowd.

As usual, he pushed his way in and stopped until he was a few meters away from the dancer. He let out a contented puff as he let his eyes wander across the other's glorious features. From his hair, to his brows, to his creamy pale skin, and to his awesome shaped ass... not that Alfred stared at it directly, it might be too obvious.

Arthur may have seen him since he flashed a surprise look at his direction but he didn't stop dancing nonetheless, it even went better. A smile graces his thin lips and he swayed perfectly to the beat of All That Jazz and if Alfred wasn't stupid enough, he would have guessed that Arthur was luring him towards his own trap. Well, a trap that the dancer himself don't even understand, maybe just to tease the American a bit?

He turned his heel around in the sexiest way he could and when his back was on the crowd, rather on Alfred, he dropped on his knees and lifted his ass up in the slowest way possible, mimicking the lyrics with his mouth. He faced them afterwards and he sashayed towards the blond American, twirling at the third step before graciously lifting his arms up and eyeing him hungrily.

"It's just a noisy hall, where there's a nightly brawl..." He paused, turned around, and posed with his nose up high, his eyes directed at the pools of blue irises he found endearing to stare. "And all that jazz!"

He received multiple howling noises and whistles from the girls and boys around him and money once again, showered his cap on the floor. When the crowd slowly diminished, Alfred decided to drop his donation.

"Hm, 5 dollars again." Arthur commented and slung his arm across the other's shoulders. "That was for you, you know?" He whispered afterwards.

Alfred's face turned a darker shade of red and he jerk himself away, much to Arthur's disappointment. "Well, uh..." He found himself lost in words and he unconsciously rubbed the nape of his neck. "That was very entertaining, thank you."

Arthur let out a soft chuckle and he quickly picked up his cap. "Glad for it, boy." He waved his other hand and was about to walk away when Alfred stopped him.

"Erm, I know this is really awkward but I didn't come here just to watch your performance." He mumbled sheepishly and averted his eyes away from the curious green ones. "I know we haven't really met yet but I need your help."

Arthur was simply taken aback by his words and he took a step backward. "What?"

"I need your help."

"Bloody hell, Alfred, I'm a dancer, not some help center. Go find someone who can help you." He spat at the blond, his eyes running up and down from the other's jeans, looking for some bulge- Wait, I did not just think of that as his problem!

"But it's really important! I might lose my job because of it!" Alfred countered back.

Arthur's face heated up and he mentally slapped himself for thinking such perverted thoughts. He looks back to his 'semi-friend' and saw him pouting, his lower lip jutting out in the cutest way Arthur never could imagine. With a scoff, he parted his lips to speak. "And how can I help you, mister?"

The blue-eyed man brightened up in an instant and he took the painting tucked in his armpit. He eagerly showed Arthur his work and with a smile etched on his face, he said, "Look!"

The Briton's comically large brows furrowed as he examined the painting but his expression softened seconds later. "Nice butterfly, didn't know you were into insects." He commented. "Or wait, you want me to catch you one, don't you?"

Alfred slammed his palm against his scrunched up face and he sighed deeply at the other's reaction. "I'm a painter, Arthur, for Pete's sake."

"You're kidding me, right?" Arthur asked in awe as he grabbed the painting from the other's hand, inspecting its every detail in bewildered green eyes. "You did a pretty good job! It's very... captivating."

Alfred swallowed a spit full of embarrassment and he fiddled with the hem of his brown bomber jacket. "Thank you, but as I was saying, I need your help."

Arthur lowered the piece and hesitated for a moment before nodding his head. "Okay then, but that still depends on what you're asking."

Alfred took a deep breath before flashing him his 100 watt grin. "Be my model."

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