Chapter 8

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Alfred awkwardly looked around his living room as he waited for Arthur to step out. After the smaller man's request, he immediately granted it with a large beam, telling him to stay put while he takes out his newly bought 'costumes'. Sadly, Arthur laughed and denied them, telling him that those wouldn't be comfortable to dance with, especially the trench coat but he said he appreciated it anyhow. He then excused himself and told him to stay at the couch while he prepare himself.

Right now, the American was fumbling with the fly of his bomber jacket, patiently waiting for the dancer to show up. And minutes later, a pair of footsteps sounded from the stairs.

"Sorry for the delay," The English man smiled apologetically as he rubbed his arms.

Alfred perked up at the sight of him and he can't help himself from whistling at the view. Arthur was wearing a black button up shirt accompanied with a red tie and black jeans. He's undeniably hot and what even made him hotter was when he rolled up the sleeves up to his arms, showing off his creamy pale skin. If Alfred was semi hard already, what would happen if Arthur started dancing? Damn the Brit.

"So, I um... I picked a random song and I hope you'll like it." The dancer spoke quietly while puffing his red cheeks.

"Take the spotlight, Artie!"

"For the hundredth time, it's Arthur, not Artie!" He countered back but shrugged afterwards as he pushed the play button from the cassette he always brought along.

The music started to play and Arthur, stepped back with a smirk plastered on his lips. It amazes Alfred how the man can change his emotion within a short moment.

"He's a cold hearted snake, look into his eyes, oh!" The Briton dropped on the floor and crawled on fours while keeping his eyes on Alfred's wide blue ones. "He's been tellin' lies,"

He slowly sits up and he started touching himself from the stomach to his neck, gliding his pale hands smoothly and graciously. The sitting man could only gulp and watch.

"He's a lover boy at play, he don't play the rulesoh." Arthur was now lying on his back and was slowly lifting his hips up, pumping the air with a lop-sided grin. Oh how he loves teasing the American. "Boy don't play the fool- no,"

He slowly picked himself up and he squatted with his legs far apart from each other, his arms lifted above his head. He swayed to the beat and mimicked every word, never leaving the blue eyes that watches him with what he could only define as lust.

"It was only late last night, he was out there sneakin'," He slowly rose to his feet and he sashayed towards Alfred, stopping when he was only an arm length. He brought his index finger to the other's red face and he slowly grazes his cheek. Alfred stiffened but didn't do anything to make him cease his movements.

"Then he called you up to check that you were waiting by the phone." He pulled back with a jerk and he threw himself to the floor and landed on his butt. He waved his body and God, Alfred couldn't deny that his pants were getting tighter and tighter by the second. Could he last until Arthur's done? What an awkward boner he got there.

Now fuck everything for Arthur was humping an imaginary pole and Alfred shifted uneasily on his seat, a hard thing was already poking from his jeans. He looked away but the dancer grabbed his face and forced him to look at him in the eyes, those green, green, eyes.

"Please stop," He quietly whispered but was enough for the other to hear. He really wanted him to continue but Alfred's afraid he might lose control and take the Englishman right then and there. Arthur's vulnerable for him, he doesn't want to harass the man.

Arthur stopped his movements and for a second, gave Alfred a worried look. "Are you okay?" He rose up and quickly shut the music off leaving them both in silence. He admits that he was off the line already and his teasings were already overboard, the proof was Alfred's heavy breathing.

The American's eyes were trained on his hands on his lap and he tried to conceal the bulge away from Arthur's sight. "I-I'm... fine," He muttered quietly and he hurriedly rose up and rushed towards his own room. Arthur was quick on heels behind him.

"Alfred, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay," The bespectacled man paused, his back turned and he forced himself to laugh to assure the other. "Just a little problem."

"Please enlighten me,"

Alfred's face turned a deep shade of red and he shook his head at the other. "N-no, it's quite alright, really."

"Are you sure? Maybe you could use some help?" Damn Arthur and his eagerness.

"Nah, I can handle this." He continued to walk again and when he was in front of his room, he threw a back glance to the other. "I don't think I'll be able to paint you tonight though." He said.

Arthur sent him an anxious look and a remorseful smile made its way up to his face. "I apologize once again for teasing you."

"It's okay, England, no big deal." He sent him back a smile and he slowly closed the door of his room. He took a peek at his still hard member and he quickly rushed inside his bathroom. For now, his upcoming piece was the least problem he had to take care of for a new and obvious one right now had to be solved.

A/N: Hello, poppets! For those who have a FanFiction account, this one's available there too! Yep, I'm also known as GoldenStopwatch (Gay, I know XD) Anyhow, stay tuned!

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