Part 2

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(Reader POV)

"No, you go ahead. I'm going to go watch that other band, you know, the one with make up. The lead singer seemed pretty cool," you replied

"KISS? They are okay guys, they will be at the party at the hotel, but go watch them. If you want, I'll see you back at the hotel." Joe said before kissing your cheek.

You smiled, thankful there wasn't going to be a fight with the guitarist. As you heard, "You wanted the best. You made your way out of the bathroom. You got the best! The hottest band in the land, Kiss!" being called out of the PA system. Standing on the side of the stage, you watched as the two guitarists and bassist came down the stairs as the drum kit lowered to the stage and the band played You could feel a smile pulling at your lips as you watch the lead singer prance around the stage and command the audience. Paul looked over and winked at you before turning back to the crowd and singing Strutter. There was definitely a chemistry between the two of you that you wanted to dive into.


2 hours later

You held a towel in your hand and handed it to Paul as he came off the stage with a huge grin on his face. The singer grabbed your hand and pulled you toward the band's dressing room and you could feel the spark traveling up and down your arm as you held his hand, wondering when the last time you felt that with Joe. The singer pushed you to a chair before sitting down in front of the mirror and wiping off the clown white make up.

"What did you think of the show?" He asked

"You guys are better than Joe said. I'm really impressed," you replied

"He's too worried about getting loaded to care how his band sounds. Does he know you stayed behind?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, they said you guys were going to the after party so I'll just ride with you if that's okay," you said

"Sure, but you might have to sit on my lap, so there's enough room," the singer replied with a wink

"As long as that's all I have to do. Mr. Stanley, I am in a relationship." You replied..

"Yeah and he stupidly left you alone with us so I say you're fair game tonight honey," the guitarist said with a smirk

"Only if you play your cards right," you replied, shocked by the words coming out of your mouth


The After Party

You walked into the party with the guys of KISS, seeing Joe and Steven glaring at you from the bar. You looked to see Paul's arm wrapped around your waist and you quickly smacked his hand away before you made your way over to the bar and wrapped your arms around Joe's neck, kissing him deeply. He held you close and ordered you a beer before you turned and opened your mouth to say something.

"I don't like seeing you with your arms all over some other guy, especially in a rival band. Pick a side and stay there, Y/N," Joe shouted in your ear.

"Babe, he had his arm around me and you know that I love you. We have been together for three years now. Come just say hi to the guys. Maybe you can make a new friend." You replied, as you reached for the beer.

"No, I don't want to make friends. I want my girlfriend to be faithful and not cheat right in front of my face," Joe said before walking off.

You felt the tears form in your eyes and you grabbed the beer bottle and walked away, watching as Steven and Joe disappeared into the bathroom. You knew Steven had gotten into your boyfriend's head about you staying behind with Paul and his band and now it had caused a riff between the two of you. Wiping your eyes, you headed outside and took a seat on the front steps, letting the cool night breeze hit your face. The sound of footsteps came up from behind you and you looked to see eight inch heels standing behind you. Looking up, you saw Paul's face staring down at you, making you sigh. Paul took a seat beside you and draped his arm over your shoulder, making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

"What happen? Why are you out here crying?" Paul asked.

"Joe thinks there's something between me and you. I told him that we were just friends but now he's off getting high with Steven," You said with a sigh..

"If he chooses drugs over you, sweetheart, then he's missing out on something beautiful. You deserve someone that can stay sober and love you. Hell, if it was me, we would be up in my room right now, making love. Screw the after party." Paul replied.

"Yeah, Joe is too busy with partying to worry about my needs," You said

"Come, let's go talk in my room where we have some privacy," the singer replied

He grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet, and led you to the front door and to the elevator. Your heart leaped into your throat as you held the guitarist's hand, wondering if you were making the right decision in getting back at your long time boyfriend with the singer in a rival band.

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