Part 15

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"Yes, I want you to be my girlfriend and I think you coming to New York is a fabulous idea, but I don't think you can break away from Joe. Hes got you under his spell and I don't even know if what Gene has to tell you will change your mind." Paul said with a sigh

You leaned forward and kissed his lips, making him gasp for a second before he placed both hands on your face and deepened the kiss. The two of you stood against the wall kissing back and forth until Paul pulled away, flashing you a shy smile. He grabbed your hand and pulled you to the elevator and pushing you inside as the door opened.

"Are we going to the restaurant or to finish that kiss?" You asked, looking at him

"Would you rather hear what gene knows from him or me?" Paul asked as the doors closed

"What do you two know that you're not telling me? Is there another girl? Is that why you're trying to get me away from him?" You asked.

"Y/n take a breath and relax. There's no girl, but there is someone else that gene caught Joe with. I think we should go down and get some coffee. Let my best friend explain, and then we can talk about New York." The singer replied

You nodded your head, still feeling overwhelmed by the secret that was known by everyone but you. Paul walked over and wrapped his arms around you tightly. You felt too safe in his arms and it was comforting, yet scary. The guitarist pulled away and pressed the lobby button.

"We should go shopping after breakfast, so you don't have to go back upstairs and face him." Paul said sternly.

You nodded your head and snuggled closer to him as the doors open, and you let him lead you out of the elevator through the lobby. You could feel the eyes upon you as the two of you marched through toward the restaurant, already seeing the bassist sitting at a booth at the far back. Paul stopped you and grabbed your face as he looked deep into your eyes.

"No matter what he says, Ill be here with you every step of the way," Paul said, before kissing the side of your face

The two of you slid into the booth as you tried to avoid eye contact with Gene. He smiled down at you before taking a sip of his coffee. The table stayed quiet for a few minutes as they looked up and saw Joe and Steven standing at the buffet line. You elbowed Paul and pointed at the two men.

"Before trouble begins, maybe you should tell her," Paul said

"Well, I caught Joe in the elevator with his singer. They were pretty hot and heavy," gene said..

"Like with other girls? Joe was taking another girl up to his room?" You asked

You saw Paul and Gene exchange looks with each other, making your heart drop. You looked away from the two men and made eye contact with Joe from across the way. He elbowed Steven and pointed at you before they both nodded their heads.

"Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on in about two seconds. Those two are making their way over to us now." You hissed.

Paul and Gene looked from you to the two men walking up and you felt the singer slide out of the booth before you could grab his hand. Gene rolled his eyes and then sat down his coffee cup. He looked you right in the eyes and opened his mouth when a hand slammed on the table.

"This is where you go? With these freaks?" Joe said, leaning down to your ear.

"I wanted to be somewhere safe, and from the news im getting you've been having your own fun in the elevator with a bimbo." You replied.

"I guess Steven is kind of bimbo, if you look at him from a distance." Gene piped up.

You snapped your head away from the guitarist to look at Gene, seeing the smirk on his face. Paul walked over and pushed Joe away from you before sliding back into the booth with you. He wrapped hi arm around you and held you close, as you continued to wait for Gene to explain.

"Y/N, don't listen to him. Just come with me and I can explain everything, baby," Joe said.

"You were caught dude making out with your best friend in a public elevator. Just let Y/n be with me and you go on about your life with Steven, and continue to try to beat us to the top of the mountain." Paul said with a chuckle.

Joe reached across the table and grabbed Paul by his shirt, pulling him out of the booth. He sucker punched the younger man in the face before grabbing you by the arm. The guitarist dug his nails deep into your skin so that you could feel the blood trickle out of your wrist.

"I hate you and will find a way to get away from you." You whispered.

"Over my dead body. You are my girl and no one else. If I catch the two of you together again, Y/N hand to god Ill kill you both," Joe replied back.

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