Part 7

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(Paul POV)

The singer sat on his bed watching tv as a frantic knock sounded at his door, making him jump up and run toward the door. He swung it open, and you wrapped yourself around him and sobbed into his shoulder, making the younger man stiffen up for a second before he pulled away from you and held you at arm's length, looking at your face. A purple bruise was forming on your cheek and the guitarist clenched his fist to his side.

"Who did that to your face, baby girl?" He asked.

"Joe... He hit me when I told him you and I hung out last night. He says im not allowed to see you anymore. Joe just went crazy," You sobbed.

"Come in and let me get you some ice for that," Paul said, pulling you inside the room

He walked over to his ice bucket and grabbed an ice cube, placing it on your cheek. Paul smiled as you hissed at the cold sensation on your wound. You looked up at him with the saddest brown eyes that it almost made the singers heart break. The singer leaned down and kissed your lips before grabbing his room key and heading toward the door.

"What are you doing?" You asked, taking a seat on the bed.

"You rest. I'm going to talk to gene about something and then Ill be right back," Paul replied.

"My room number is 255," You said, laying your head on his pillow

"Thank you for not making me ask for that, now enjoy your nap," He said as he walked out the door

Paul walked across the hall and banged on his best friend's door, hearing the cussing and moaning coming from behind the door. He shook his head and continued to knock as he heard footsteps approaching the door. Gene opened it and rolled his eyes at the sight of the singer and gently pushed him back as the bassist took a step out of the room and shut the door behind him.

"Come on, we have someone to take care of for hitting my girlfriend," Paul said

"Sh's not your girlfriend dude, she just wants someone that actually sees her and not a room full of drugs." Gene said.

"Are you going to help me or not?" Paul asked.

The two men stared at each other for a few moments before Paul turned on his heels and started down the hallway. He heard his bassist let out a deep sigh before foot steps started behind him. Paul stopped and waved for the older man to catch up. The two men walked to the elevator, and the singer took a deep breath, hitting the second floor. Gene grabbed the younger mans arm and stopped him from leaving as the doors opened, making Paul look him up and down for a few seconds.

"I know what I'm doing. Now just stand guard outside his room," Paul said.

The singer rolled up the sleeves on his shirt as the two men headed down the hallway. Paul ran a hand down his face and then pounded on the door. Joe opened the door just a crack and then tried to slam it when he saw the two other members of KISS. Paul put his foot in the door and pushed the door open, knocking the guitarist to the floor.

"Thanks for inviting me, we need to talk about a couple of things," the singer said, as he kicked the door shut

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