Part 5

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(Reader POV)

The next morning

You woke up to the feeling of someone kissing up and down your neck and chest, making you smile slightly as you pushed the person away. He crawled back up to your lips and kissed you gently, making your eyes flutter open to find Paul in front of you. The two of you grinned at each other in between kisses before he rolled you on top of him and placed his hands on your hips, giving you the full feeling of his erection pushing against your wet pussy.

"Someone's happy to find me in their bed this morning. I figured you would have kicked me out later last night," you whispered.

"No, baby, I want to wake up beside you every day but I know you have to go back to him," Paul said with a sigh

"That doesn't mean we can't do this again, Paul. You have five more weeks of touring with Aerosmith," you replied before kissing his lips.

"You want to keep sneaking around?" He asked, running his fingers through your brown hair

"Mm hmmm. Maybe we can talk about being with each other for real," you said

"I'd like that. I'd also like to take you to breakfast if I could. I need to regain my strength. You are wild in the sheets," Paul replied, nuzzling you away.

"I would love to, but I need to go make sure he's breathing before I do anything else. Give me about an hour and I'll meet you down there, okay?" You asked as you stood up from the bed

Paul nodded his head and threw the blankets off his lap. The two of you dressed in comfortable silence before the singer walked over to you with his shirt unbuttoned and cupped your chin, making you smile shyly at him. He leaned forward and kissed your lips, letting out a deep sigh as your lips connected to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played with his hair. Paul growled and lifted you up before he pushed the two of you up against the wall. You broke the kiss and looked down at him, seeing the spark in his eye.

"I want to fuck you one more time just so you're sore enough not to fuck him. It's gonna drive me crazy knowing he has my girl in all the ways I want her." Paul whispered before kissing your lips

"You have to be patient. I'm not gonna be with him forever. Three years together and we fight like cats and dogs." You replied

"He's a loser Y/N and you deserve better," Paul said, sitting you back on the ground

"Thanks for the reminder. Now can I go so we can meet up later?" You asked

Paul swatted your ass, then pointed toward the door. You gathered the rest of your stuff, kissed the man goodbye before heading out the door. You spotted Steven as soon as you turned the corner and could see the all knowing smirk on his face as you hit the elevator call button. Silently, you prayed he would just get on the lift and not ask you one single question, but you heard him clear his throat before he tapped you on your shoulder.

"Have you seen Joe yet this morning? I went by the room, but neither of you answered. Which seeing you come out of another room I can see you've been busy, but he and I are supposed to write," Steven said

"I was visiting a friend and Joe was pissed off at me last night, so I haven't spoken to him." You said, pressing the third floor button.

"Being under the body of another man is a surefire way to make Joe forgive you." Steven said with a chuckle

"Shut the fuck up, Steven. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. I got a room of my own. Joe and mines problems are none of your business except for the ones you constantly cause by getting him high," you screamed before walking back out the doors

"I'm just watching out for my bandmates. You can't make a whore a housewife," the signer called after you.

"Yeah and you can't make a drug addict a faithful husband either," you shouted back as you walked down the hall

You took a deep breath and opened the room door, finding beer and liquor bottles thrown everywhere and smelt the smoke from joe's late night toke session. You walked through the small living room to find your fiancé passed out with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"Goddamn it, Joe! Are you trying to light yourself and the hotel up?" you yelled as you took the cigarette out of his mouth

"Not right now babe, I'm working," Joe murmured

"You're asleep with a cigarette in your mouth again! I can see you looked hard for me last night!" You said, taking a seat across from him

"I was writing with Steven. He must have given me something," Joe replied, stretching

"Joe, I was gone all night. Could have been with someone. Else do you care?" You asked.

"We had a fight, and you stayed out all night. That's what we do. It's not like you cheated, right? I'm gonna go have a shower. Join me so we can make up." Joe replied before leaning down and kissing the side of your face

You smiled sadly at him as your mind went to Paul. The singer had been a romantic with you all night and now Joe expected everything to be all better with a five-minute blow job in the shower. You wondered if you should run to the other guitarist and try for a simpler life or make it work with the one you were with now. The bathroom door shut, pulling you from your thoughts as you stood up and went to the phone, pulling out the piece of paper given to you the night before. You listened to the water turn on before you spoke into the phone.

"Hey Paul, I have a couple things I want to talk to you about. Can you meet me in ten minutes?" You asked into the phone.

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