Part 10

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Joe unlocked the door of the hotel room and pushed it open, waving for you to enter. You nodded and entered, feeling nervous as hell to be back around the lead guitarist again. He grabbed you and pulled you to him, as he slammed his lips against yours, making you gasp slightly as you tried to push him away. Joe held you tighter against him as he moved his hands to your pants, trying to undo them. You pulled away and slapped the guitarist across the face.

"What the fuck Joe," You yelled

"What? I thought you liked it when I took control," Joe replied.

"Fuck you, I'm out of here" You replied, moving to gather your clothes

Joe grabbed you and slapped you across the face, sending you flying across the room. You landed with a thud on the floor, tears fell down your face. He stood over you with a heated look on his face and tried to grab you, but you kicked him in the crotch, sending him crumbling to the ground. You grabbed whatever you could fit in a suitcase and ran out the door.

"Hey you okay?" You heard a voice asked.

"How did you find me?" You asked, seeing Paul standing in front of you.

"My crew said you went back with dumbass to the hotel so I came to win you back," He replied, cupping your chin

He sighed as he looked at your face and clenched his fist to his side. You grabbed him and shook your head just as the hotel door open. Joe looked at you and Paul and laughed before shutting the door back again. Paul walked over and started banging on the door as tears started streaming down your face.

"Please, Paul, don't do this. Just take me to your room or to get food. Something other than this," You said.

"Fuck that Y/N, he's not gonna get away with this. Open up, motherfucker," Paul yelled, pounding on the door.

Joe opened up the door with a smirk on his face as Paul doubled up his fist, punching the older guitarist in the face. Paul kicked the door open and jumped on top of Joe, punching him over and over in the face as you screamed for help. Doors around you started opening and the band's security team fought to pull the two men apart.

"Paul, just come with me, okay?" You said, grabbing his hand..

"You piece of shit you stay away from her or next time Ill kill you," Paul said with one more kick to the gut

You pulled him out of the hotel room toward the elevator, feeling overwhelmed by the entire situation. Paul wrapped his arm around you and looked down at you, seeing the sad look on your face. You pulled away from him and shook your head. Paul tried to pull you closer to him, but you pushed him away.

"What the fuck Y/N?" He asked

"I want to spend sometime alone. I need to clear my head." You replied, heading back toward the elevator.

"Just stay with me one more night. I'm sorry I snapped, but I can't stand to see you hurt, baby," Paul replied.

"No! Now im going to get a room of my own at another hotel. I don't want to hear from you or him for a couple of days." You said, walking away.

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