Part 11

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Paul pressed the stop button on the elevator and grabbed you, pulling you close to his body. You could smell his strong cologne, making it hard to concentrate. He grabbed your chin, making you look into his dark brown eyes. He smiled down at you and leaned forward, kissing your lips sweetly. You sighed and kissed him back immediately, forgetting why you were so mad at the two men.

"Give me 24 hours to convince you to stay with me. Just one whole day and nigh to prove why im the better man for you. Ill take you out on the town and you can see the real Paul, okay baby?" Paul whispered.

"Can we start the day with sex? You kiss always leave me wanting more." You whispered back before trying to kiss him again.

"No, im gonna make you wait until we talk more. I want to learn more about you, and you know more about me. We have plenty of time to have sex. It's not like you and Joe were in a dry spell," the singer said.

"Actually, with the drugs, he's more interested in being with Steven and not me. You are the first person Ive had sex with in three months." You replied with a smirk.

Paul slammed his lips against yours and pushed you into the corner of the lift. He was out of control, kissing and running his hands all over your body. You loved how he made you feel with one simple kiss. Your hands went to his hair, pulling him close and Deepend the kiss. The guitarist groaned into the kiss and then pulled away.

"I meant what I said. You can wait until tonight. In fact, let's go pack. Me and you are going to stay at another hotel. So we can't get interrupted," The singer said.

"Are you serious? What if your bandmates come looking for you?" You asked.

"Its 24 hours baby and we are traveling soon so they won't care too much. We have days off." The singer replied.

He laughed as you squealed and kissed his lips again excitedly. Paul pulled away and then hit the floor four as he then grabbed you and pulled you to his chest.

"Dont break my heart Y/N that all I ask," Paul whispered



The guitarist looked at himself in the mirror, seeing the black eye forming around his left eye. He sighed and looked down at his bloody fist, feeling himself get angrier by the second. A knock sounded on the door, making the younger man jump, and he darted to the door. Steven stood in front of him with a baggy shaking it in the guitarist's face. Joe snatched the baggy from the singer's hand and walked back inside his room.

"I can't believe that bastard punched you. Over that bitch," Steven said.

"Well, you haven't ever slept with my girlfriend. She got super powers," Joe replied.

"What are we going to do about him?" Steven asked.

"Draw up some lines while I think. Y/N is going to be my girl forever and Ill kill anyone that tries to stand in my way," the guitarist replied.

"Lets send them back home, make it to where he can't walk for a few months," the singer said, as he chopped up the coke

Joe flashed a smile at his long-time friend and grabbed the straw, snorting one of the fat lines on the dresser. He could feel the rush taking over his body, and the guitarist handed the straw over to his best friend before collapsing on top of the bed. The guitarist felt the bed sink as steven crawled into the bed beside him and laid his head on Joe's chest.

"Why can't you love me like you love her?" Steven whispered.

"What the fuck are you talking about, man?" Joe asked.

"Ive always been in love with you since the first time I heard you play. You are in love with someone that just wants to sleep around with rock stars. Let her go and give me a try," Steven said as he looked up at joe..

The singer leaned forward and kissed Joe on the lips, taking the younger man by surprise. Joe gasped and then pushed the man away before jumping off the bed. Steven stood up and tried to wrap his arms around the guitarist, but the younger man pushed him away again.

"What the fuck, man? Ive told you me and you are never going to be together. Now get the fuck out." Joe screamed.

"Please, just give me one kiss and see what happens," Steven begged

The two men stood in the middle of the room, staring at each other for a few minutes. The guitarist was unsure of what to say next to his best friend.

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