Part 12

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(Joe POV)

The younger guitarist sighed and ran his hand through his black hair as he looked away from the singer. Steven grabbed his arm and turned Joe around, grabbing his face and kissing the younger man gently. Joe groaned and grabbed the singer by the shirt, kissing him back as the two men started fumbling with each other clothes.

"Are you sure about this?" Joe asked, breaking the kiss

"Dont think just go with whatever you're feeling," Steven replied before kissing the guitarist again

Joe nodded his head and kissed the singer back, ignoring all the feelings that were telling him to go find you, and not to give in to his best friend. Steven pushed him on to the bed and pulled his own shirt over his head. Joe flashed a smile at him and pulled the older man down as the door handle turned. The guitarist felt his eyes grow wide as the two men scrambled around to pull their shirts back on.

"Who is it?" Joe shouted

"Its me! Y/N! I came to get my stuff. Open up," You yelled.

"Just a minute. I'm in the middle of something," Joe replied as he looked at Steven.

"Little bitch has perfect timing. Call me later if you want to try again," Steven whispered, before walking toward the door.

Joe watched as you and steven exchanged dirty looks with each other as you walked in. The guitarist could feel his heart skip a beat as he looked at you, and he couldn't tell if it was the coke or his love for you anymore. You walked in and headed straight for your suitcase, packing up your clothes. He looked in the hallway and saw Paul standing there with a smirk on his face, making the older man furious.

"Can you give me thirty minutes with her?" Joe asked.

"Nope, as soon as she packed im taking her away for 24 hours. We are going somewhere. You had your chance with her," paul replied.

Joe walked over and slammed the door shut and locked it, making you jump. You turned and looked at the guitarist with a frown on your face. He held up his hand to silence you, seeing you fold your arms in front of your chest. The guitarist let out a chuckle before Joe walked over and grabbed you, pulling you into a heated kiss.

"You're high, of course, that why you want me," You said, pushing him away

"I had one line of coke to relax. Just give into me, baby. I love you and you know you love me. Just leave that face painted loser. Let's make up and go have lunch," Joe replied, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I need time to think, Joe. You are going down a scary path and I don't want to be a part of it. I'm sorry. You either get clean or you live a life without me. Ill see you tomorrow," You said, turning away and continuing to pack your bags.

"Fuck Y/N, why are you doing this? We have been together for three years and now some new guy flashes you a smile and you want to put everything we had in the trash?" Joe asked.

"Give up the drugs and go to rehab. Then maybe I will think about being with you. Paul gives me his undivided attention and doesn't need drugs or booze to be with me. I will see you in a couple of days," You replied, before closing your suitcase and walking out.

Joe kicked the door shut behind you and sat down on the bed, feeling a thousand emotions coursing through his body. He grabbed the phone and dialled his best friend's room number, feeling his heart skip a beat. After two rings, a voice came across the line.

"Hey it's me. Come back and finish what you started," Joe said, before slamming the phone down.

He reached over to the side table where there were lines of coke and snored them. Joe fell back against the head, bored as the euphoria rushed through his body. The guitarist didn't know if he was doing the right thing, but he needed something to stop the heartache attached to you walking out with his enemy.

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