Chapter 2 - Acquaintances

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Honestly, this entire chapter is basically a plot hole.

You took a step towards North, where he stood in front of three other mythical-like creatures, but Sandy rested his hand on your leg before you could go any farther.

"(Y/N)," North bellowed, "These are my friends, Bunny, Tooth, and Jack."

Bunny whirled in front of North. "How long have ya known this girl?"

His accent was foreign. He was holding a half-painted Easter egg.

Maybe... British? No, Australian.

Tooth pointed a long, thin finger at the big man. "You've been letting a girl - a mortal girl - stay here, and you didn't tell us?"

North backed up, chuckling nervously. "Bunny, Tooth, I can explain..."

Jack watched this with a grin dancing on his face.

Three little elves ran up to you and bounced around your feet, the bells on their oversized hats jingling. You bent down and fixed one of their hoods, picked him up, then walked towards North slowly, hanging your head.

"I'm really sorry I brought the bird inside," you mumbled.

"Bird? What... (Y/N) -" He sighed. "We need to talk to you. Follow me."

Relieved, you let out your breath and followed after him. The other... creatures (for lack of a better word) went on ahead. You stopped to watch them lead themselves away as the elf slipped from your arms and onto a ledge. North's face was suddenly next to yours. "We are not done talking about the bird."

You sighed, then shrugged it off. You sped up to keep pace with the large rabbit. "You remind me of someone I met what I was younger," you said.

"Yeah?" he said, and there was that accent again.

"Is this a costume?" you asked, looking at the fur closely.

"No," he said, a little defensively.

You opened your mouth to speak again, but you were cut off by the sight before your eyes. North threw a door opened to reveal an office-like workshop, which is when you really noticed the peculiarities of the other people - or, creatures - that North had brought here. You had long since noticed that North was an excessively large man, but you never thought much of it. And Sandy was his own kind of special, but North made toys for a living. Surely he was merely a dream. However, these... "companions" were not normal. One was a large rabbit, with intricate markings streaked across his coat. Another was a human-like fairy, with a body covering that looked quite similar to a hummingbird's. The last one looked to be completely human, but he wore a blue hoodie that seemed to have ice covering it and pants that must not have been washed for some years.

I'm having one crazy dream, you thought blankly, rubbing your head.

The fairy flew up to you, giddily flying back and forth by your side. You stood close to North, but examined her freely. She smiled at you continuously, and knocked her knuckles together lightly as if she wanted to say something. The rabbit kept glancing over his furry shoulder, an eyebrow raised. You merely had to blink at him, and he would glance away, only to look back seconds later. The frost boy ignored looking in your entire direction, examining his surroundings.

North left your side and led the rabbit, fairy, and boy to the corner, then started talking in a low voice.

You bent down and asked of Sandy, "You can't talk?"

He shook his head.

"I didn't even realize that. It must be hard," you commented.

He made a motion that seemed to say, more or less.

You grinned at him. "I know it's crazy, but I feel like I know you."

He smiled and erratically started spurting images above his head.

"Sandy!" North barked suddenly.

Sandy's face fell and golden sand sunk around him, going slightly grey. You rubbed his head (noticing that he perked up a little bit when you did so), then stood and walked over to North. You stood behind his desk, next to him. The rabbit leaned against the desk and the fairy hovered close to it. The frost boy stared out the window absently. Sandy floated over to join you.

"What's going on?" you asked.

You picked up a little airplane made of ice and held it close to your face. Your fingers skimmed the cool surface.

"(Y/N)? What's your favorite season?" North asked randomly.

"My favorite season?" You put the airplane down gently. Such a weird hobby, you thought. "North, you're insane."

"That's what I keep tryin' ta tell 'im," the rabbit spoke up in an Australian accent.

"You're Australian?!" you exclaimed, leaning over the desk to him.

"Indeed," he said, straightening as you got closer to him, almost as if he was scared.

"The Easter Kangaroo," the frost boy said smugly, jumping over.

"Jack!" North snapped.

The rabbit sneered. "Oh yeah, Frosty? You wanna piece of me?"

"Frosty?" you echoed.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" North yelled.

The creatures who had gathered back up, but did not leave the room. North eyed them for a moment, then turned back to you. "What's you favorite season?"

"Why are you asking?" you asked.

"Just tell me," he replied impatiently.

"I don't really have one."


"Well... I like summer, because everything is so laid-back and enjoyable. There's no school and no responsibilities. It seems like you always have the best dreams in summer - everything is just so happy. But, autumn is great because everything is just teeming with magic. The leaves fall and make such a beautiful painting of this awful world. It's almost like all you have to do is snap your fingers to make a fairy appear. But there's no way I could dislike winter. All the Christmas cheer and snow days make everything better. I just love sipping hot chocolate or munching on candy canes... And yet, I think my favorite season is spring, when all the animals come out of hiding and Easter is finally here again. I'd have to say that that's my favorite holiday, y'know? 'Cause everyone is just so full of joy and hope."

North stared at me for a moment, then grinned. "I think you will like it here, (Y/N)."

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