'Chapter 8 ▪️ Rotary Dial'

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Chapter 8

TW: Abusive relationships, SA, abuse

George POV:

Recently, horrible things have been happening. Each day, everything just gets worse. More screaming, more crying, more breakdowns, more swearing. I'll be lucky if he doesn't hit me. But that's only when I'm lucky.

Pale skin, purple and blue bruises all over my body. Red hands practically printing on my shoulders. Strikes of red on my lower back. Black eyebags beneath my eyes, cheeks slapped red, bruised and swollen lips. I had handprints near my inner thighs and hips. Ribcage visible, my stomach was craving for food. I haven't eaten in days. That's because of some stupid argument we had.

I looked around for clothes. Finding a turtleneck and black sweatpants to cover up everything. Jeans burnt against the open wounds.

So many things happened within barely a month. Things I wish to never speak of, things were so much better before the break up. SUre, he slapped me, that was it, when I said no he would sometimes understand. He would sometimes take that answer. But now? ... now..?

He found out I was messaging someone (that someone being Dream) but he didn't know who. So he hid my phone from me. But I would always end up finding ways to retrieve it secretly, though the punishments were harsh. I was desperate; desperate to have someone to talk to. Someone I can truly be myself with. So he broke my phone. That's probably why I've tried taking every opportunity I could to go outside, in hopes of distracting myself or getting away from Ace.

Now that I think of it, I don't even know what Dream looks like. We have only spoken through devices or silly sticky notes. I must not let my mind wander. The last thing I want is to upset Ace by being late.

I put on my socks then left the bedroom. I headed downstairs and Ace was waiting for me, we went into the car and drove to a cafe.

"I was originally gonna go to the diner"

"Oh", one word answers were a safer card nowadays. Silence would make him think I wasn't listening, speaking too much could agitate him, apparently he need full focus for driving which was really stupid. And sometimes I would over speak, say something I apparently shouldn't, which would cause an argument.

"But I feel we have way too many bad memories there, let's try someplace new, it'll be good for us"


He glanced at me, right hand leaving the steering wheel and making its way to my thigh. I could feel the swelling pain from the bruise due to the contact. Don't make a fuss about it, it'll just end up in either arguing or many unwanted kisses and waking up naked with more marks.

It never felt good, waking up naked. To empty sheets, to sore body parts and new marks. I felt disgusted, like I didn't even own my own body. It felt icky. I would cry until I finally got the energy to crawl to the bathroom. I don't feel safe in my skin anymore. I would scrub my skin until I felt burns, I wanted the feeling of his hands off. His touch was gone. I would bathe in boiling hot water just to distract myself from the feeling. To tell myself I was clean, but it was never enough.

"We're here"

We stepped out of the car. Honestly I wish we went to the diner, maybe Dream would've given me a note. Too bad I guess.

We stepped into the cafe and I ordered whatever I first saw. Ace leaving me in the 'wait till we call your order' line. Said he had to do something with the car or whatever. I honestly was tuned out of that whole conversation, I mean, I usually tune out of all our conversations. Ace could have those conversations with a wall and nothing would change. Before he left he shoved the crumpled receipt in my hand, crumbling it. I looked at the order, reading it.

Love In Food - a Dreamnotfound Love StoryΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα