'Chapter 10 ▪️ Colored Rose'

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Chapter 10

TW: Abusive relationship

George POV:

My brows furrowed.

"What..?", I muttered beneath my breath. It was barely a whisper. What was he on about?

He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. He spoke carefully, gentle hands making their way to my hands laying on my lap. Touch softer than a feather, treating my hands like soft flower petals. Delicate and pretty. He moved as if he would hurt me if he wasn't careful. It wasn't like Ace's touch. Ace was quick, Ace was rough and Ace didn't mind ruining or ripping my petals if it benefited him. If it pleasured him. If I rejected Dream's touch, I knew he would give me a reassuring smile, and would let me refuse it. Would do anything to make me feel comfortable. It was just this aura he had, that was gentle and kind.

Hands wrapping around mine softly. The ends of his digits touching the back of my palms. Calloused thumbs gently caressing my inner palms. It was soothing, consoling and heart-warming.

"I-I'm not forcing you", he said. Scared if that was his tone. "I would never force you", he whispered beneath his shaky breath. There was this tone in his voice. That sounded like he was crumbling within. The look in his eyes and the gentle squeeze to my palms.

"I just wanna help you", his words had some effect on me. It wasn't that condescending tone parents would use to pressure you into doing something. His words sounded like he meant it. That he meant every word, his eyes were so gentle. My heart pounded, butterflies flying around in my stomach. "You don't need to say yes. You can say no. It's your choice".

"I-", I muttered beneath the breath. My voice was stuck in my throat. It felt heavy. His eyes shined. Sun rays peaking through his fluffy blonde locks, making his hair practically glow. Sun hitting the side of his face, bright and saturated with light. Soft orange outline to the brightened spots of skin. His pupils were twitching in the slightest, something that would only be caught through close examination and observation. There was something in his eyes. I couldn't explain the look with mere words. It wasn't pity, it was like something inside him was melting, something was breaking up. But at the same time it wasn't, at the same time he was strong and stable.

"I'll try", I let out. He smiled, eyes squinting yet still open. Smile soft and caring. "B-but I-", I pushed out. Voice breaking, trying to push out the rest of the sentence. But I couldn't, tears welled up in my eyes. A gentle squeeze to my hands. "I-I-", he gave me a reassuring smile.

"I know". He spoke to me in a soft voice. A voice you would use on a small animal like a cat or something. It had a hint of this honey voice. It was pleasing to the ears, it was comforting. It felt like a home I never had

His hands lifted themselves from the ones on my palms. His left making it way to hold right cheek. I leaned into the touch. Letting my hand cover his own. Closing my eyes. It was heart-warming. "I'm trying to", I'm trying to say it. My thoughts finished the sentence I wanted to let out, a tear poured from my left eye.

"I know you're trying", my eyes were closed but I could just feel him smiling. He moved his hand from my cheek. I tilted my head forward again, slowly opening my eyes. He opened his arms out, he was asking for a hug. I smiled, falling into his chest, arms wrapping around him tightly, but not too tight. I wouldn't wanna make him feel uncomfortable.

He wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his head into my hair. My eyes peaked over his shoulders. But I closed my eyes, resting my head between his shoulder blade and neck. He smelled like lavender. It was a sweet floral smell that was delicate but had evergreen woodsy tones at the same time. It was comforting. Like everything about him. It fits. Like he fit with me. As weird as that sounded it felt right. Like if I said it out like there wouldn't be a bitter taste in my mouth. It was unlike Ace.


Dream said he had to go since his shift was soon which was an off coincidence cause a few minutes after Ace cane back. If I'm gonna be honest, I forgot about the existence of Ace.

I gave him his drink and we headed into the car. Why did he take so long? I asked him, and he said it didn't matter. He seemed out of breath, face red. I told myself not to make any assumptions. We stopped at a red light and Ace looked at me. Smiled. But it wasn't warm. It was unsettling, I couldn't tell if that was on purpose or not. It wasn't anything like Dream's, it was probably the opposite if anything. I hated it, it felt nothing like home. It felt anything but comforting.

There was something pink I could see in the corner of my eye. About to turn my head to it, Ace grabbed my cheek. Stopping me. Forcing me to look at him. When Dream held my cheek he caressed it softly, he was gentle and I knew he would stop if he thought I was uncomfortable. Ace was harsh and forceful, if I told him to stop he wouldn't. He would find some way to pass it off or make a huge fit over it.

Ace gave me a forced smile. He was hiding something. Last I recalled, we didn't have anything pink in the backseat on our way to the cafe.

"Where are we going?", green light, the car sped up.

"Home", "alright".


It was late at night. I couldn't sleep. Dream's words rang in my ears.

"You need to break up with Ace. This-"

"This is isn't healthy"

Was he right?

The pink object. I sat up on the bed. Untangling myself from Ace's restrictive arms. He was in a deep sleep. Well he did seem exhausted and tired on our way back 'home'. I got out of bed. Heading downstairs quietly. His car keys were in his jacket pocket. I opened the jacket closet.

My eyes widened. The jacket.

It was the one Ace wore to our first date. At the diner that was old, cheap because it was practically bankrupt. He later told me that he bought it just for our date because he wanted me to have a good impression of him, since our first meeting wasn't quite the most ideal. He told me he wanted a long lasting relationship, someone he could be married to. Someone to live life with. He didn't want us to kiss on our first date, it was dark out with a few broken street lights. He told me it was perfect but he wanted to take it slow. He wanted it to last. He wanted us to last.

Oh how things have changed. The jacket was stuffed into the back of the closet, and so were the hopes and dreams of the past Ace. He was different now. Very different. Like he killed that version of him. And I wouldn't be lying when I said I missed that version.

I should focus. My finger lunged towards Ace's current jacket. Searched through the pockets to find his car keys. I then left the house and opened his car. Searching in the back seat. Nothing. I swear I saw something pink. I swear I saw it. I'm not hallucinating. I swear!

My hands searched every nook and cranny in the back seat. My hands carefully searched and picked at the car seat. And I saw something. It was so thin, a blonde strand of hair. A single piece glowing with the soft light of the moon hitting its edges. I picked up the strand with my hands. I stuffed the strand into my pants pockets.




Authors note :

Slightly longer chapter :D

How yall thinking about Dream through George's gaze?? (+way too much words taken up just explaining the tiniest details of his appearance)

ALSO lil origin story about Ace's jacket??? I have some plans for Ace and George's origin story I just have to find the write time to insert that in

Also I was listening to 'boyfriend' by Dove Cameron when writing this and was like, wOW tHaTs sO dReAm

Also also also, i literally have no clue what george should be calling dream qwq

Have a wonderful day/night! Love ya!

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