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A few years later


"Where are we going?", the blindfold I wore obstructed my view. I could only rely on the sounds that surrounded me. The car came to an abrupt stop, Dream making his way around the front of the vehicle to open the car door for me. Leading the way for me through slow motions, walking slowly with an arm on my waist leading me to somewhere that felt familiar.

He opened the door, and I heard a bell. One familiar. I knew where we were. A big smile consumed my face.

"Ready?" He spoke with a soft voice. His figure behind me, hands untying the blindfold. Warm yellow lights consumed my vision. As my lips fell apart from what stood in front of me.

Rain poured outside. I stepped onto the tile flooring of the diner. The diner I had met Dream in. It was decorated beautifully. Beautiful yellow lights that made it feel breathtaking from its perfect glow. A beautiful contrast to the gloomy weather outside, but that's not what shocked me the most. There were sticky notes lining every wall and nook and cranny. The baseboards and counters. All of the sticky notes were green and if you looked up close you would've seen all the familiar words written in blue ink.

Dream held my hand as he guided me to a table. The table I first sat at when I first came to the diner. I sat down at the booth. Rose petals were scattered on the tabletop. Receipts that held handwriting on the other side, notes that were all too familiar.

He sat in front of me. The flame on the tip of the candle that sat beside both of us illuminating his face in a charming manner. He was smiling wide, but I could also tell that he was nervous.

I turned my gaze to the familiar object that laid flat on the table. I picked up the familiar laminated paper and held it in front of me. Blobs of text that were all too familiar to me. But a specific section was vandalized by a red marker. The double chicken burger, the first thing I had ever ordered from the diner, the one where I first saw Dream with his emerald green eyes peering out of the kitchen.

The title of the sections was crossed out, in its place written 'ur first burger', around the letters were little doodles and small messages. It was something Dream liked to do often, it was the little things he did that melted my heart. Little hearts were drawn from the letters and I couldn't help but smile lovingly at the sight.

I lowered the menu, peeking at Dream to find him already staring at me. A small smile and I raised the menu. I reached my hand out on the table as an offering to him. He smiled and took the offering, gently placing his hand in mine, a gentle look in his eyes.

"You don't know how happy I am," he said to me and I smiled. A waiter came to our booth and asked for our orders. We gave them the orders and then they left.

"Everything's so beautiful", I said. "How did you manage to find and stick all of the sticky notes", he laughed. "It was easy to find the sticky notes, I kept them all in a box and searched through your things to find the rest. Sticking them was the hard part", he wheezed. "You don't know-how annoying it was to get those fuckers on the cieling and walls" he said wheezing inbetween words.

I giggled, "how did you manage then?", "tape, glue and a fuck ton of emotional support". "Where'd you get the support?", "Our messages reminded me of what I was doing this for". I don't think I could ever be smiling more.

After more banter, the waiter came back with the meals. I took a bite of the burger and my eyes lit up. I lifted the top of the burger bun and saw a ketchup shaped heart, my eyes softened and I felt tears start to build up. "Dreamm", I whined as I wiped the tears out of my eyes. I looked up at him and my eyes widened even more.

He was now out of his seat. On one knee, with an open box and a ring.

"George Davidson, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me"

I was sobbing at this point.

"FUCK, YES", he placed the ring on my finger and kissed me. He then embraced me and sobbed into his chest. "Is this why you were nervous", he nodded his head, peppering kisses on my neck.

"Of course I would say yes you stupid idiot", I lightly hit his chest. "God I love you". And another kiss.


Authors note :



Have a wonderful day/night! Love ya!

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