Chapter 28♡

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(Alex's P.O.V)

Getting up to pop to the loo, I yawned. My sleep was getting better. I was really starting to feel good. Looking at the time, I saw that it was 5am. Zack had therapy today. I had court this afternoon so I was able to take him. After finishing in the bathroom, I washed my hands and face. Getting back into bed, I checked my phone. It was a force of habit for me. Living with an alcoholic for so long would do that to you.

Would I ever find the strength to even find love again? I was that emotionally scarred that I kept thinking that good men didn't even exsist anymore. The girls would tell me that what I was thinking was stupid. I was focusing on myself and my mental health. It was about me just moving on. Thinking about the boys, I wondered if Tyler was okay. He was quiet compared to his brother. He didn't really open up. Heading to his bedroom, I knocked on the door.

"Hey Mom. Are you okay?" He rubbed the cold out of his eyes. "Yep. I'm okay. I wanna talk to you." As we went to my bedroom, he sat on my bed. I just hugged him. "I love you." He said that he loved me too. "I just wanted to check in with you." He said that he felt a bit confused. "What about?" He told me more.. "About why Dad decided to behave the way he did. I feel like I didn't even bond with him. When I was younger, he always left me."


(Zack's P.O.V)

"Dad? Can we go and play soccer today?" Heading downstairs, I saw that he was asleep. He always did this. Mom was at work and Gran was out. Hearing him snore, I went outside into the garden. Kicking the ball by myself. Seeing Tyler come outside, he asked if I was okay. "Not really. I asked Dad if could play soccer with me and he was asleep." Ty saw the look on my face. "It's okay bro. I'll play a game with you." As we played, I scored quite a few goals. This was fun. I loved my brother so much. "Do you think Mom would let us go to the arcade later?" Ty said yes. "I'll take you." Smiling, we continued the game. "How about we make pancakes and then watch tv?" I said that sounded cool.

End of flashback...

"Tyler was always there for me. When we made breakfast together, we sat and chilled out like brothers do. He made sure that I was okay." Placing my hand on his shoulder, he told me more..

"Hey!" Tyler stole a chocolate chip off my plate. "You snooze, you lose sucker!!!" I giggled. After breakfast, we went to get dressed. "Chris! You have to get up. Stop being lazy!" Tyler hugged me. "It's okay." Cleaning up, we headed upstairs. Going into our bedroom, I got out my stuff. "I'll shower first!" Tyler said that was okay. Getting in quickly, I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "It's Mom. Are you okay?' I said yes. "Okay. I love you." I said I loved her too. I heard the door slam earlier.

End of flashback...

"Your brother, Gran and I love you." He looked at me. "Really?" She squeezed my hand. 'Yes." As I went to the kitchen, I got myself a drink. Would I even like therapy? Does it make me sound crazy? I just didn't feel like talking to a complete stranger. After having a drink, I went back to bed for a bit. "You alright bro?" Ty brushed his hair out of his face. "Not really." Tyler asked me if I had harmed again. "Maybe.." He looked at me.

"Aw bro." He hugged me. "I miss Dad." He said that he did too. "Go to therapy. You do know that if you keep hiding things, they become worse right?" I nodded. "What about you?" Tyler looked at the floor. "I just don't understand why Dad decided to fuck with Mom's head. We loved him so much. We lost Gran. Then, he decided to drown.." I asked my brother how he was truly feeling.

"I feel nervous around him. He's ill. He doesn't actually understand that why he did destroyed us." I then told him about that night.

"You heard them? He was here?" I said yes. "He must of sneaked over here. Remember when Mom told us about their arrangement?" My brother nodded. "Yeah. It's because Mom still loved him." Laying on my bed, I just relaxed. "It's confusing. He's an alcoholic. Like, leave us alone!" Ty then said that he was sick of his behaviour.

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