Chapter One

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Two Years ago.

"We shouldn't move in we don't know who's in there." Hoseok suggested to his commander.

"We have to do something, they're closing in on us."

"Everyone shut the fuck up I'm trying to think." Commander Hong said.

Everyone did as told, waiting for his command. This was Hoseok's last tour before he get's discharge and it was a bitter sweet moment for him. He hasn't lived life as a civilian since he was 19, and honestly he wasn't ready for it.

"Ok this is what we're going to do, Hobi and Cyrus you're with me. We're going to go around the sides and Lee, ken, and Kim you're inside. We can clear the perimeter while you guys clear the front but do not enter until we're all there." He said.

"Yes sir." They all said in usion.

"See you guys on the other side." Commander Hong said as they began to seperate.

"Hobi, you got anybody waiting on you at home?" Cyrus asked.

"Nope." Hoseok said as he kept his focus on his surroundings.

"Whatttttt, no women or kids?" Commander Hong asked.

Hoseok chuckled.

"No just me." He said.

"Well just tell girls you were in the military, they'll come dropping into your lap." Cyrus chuckled.

Hoseok also chuckled, he was done with the talking the main focus was the mission. Small talk can be talked at a different time. Before Cyrus could say anything Commander Hong held up his fist causing them to stop.

"12 o'clock, sniper." He whispered.

Hoseok and Cyrus looked straight ahead as Hoseok took his gun off of safety. Before Hoseok could aim his weapon he heard an explosion go off causing his ears to ring.

Present Day

Hoseok gasp for air as he awakened from a deep slumber, he held his chest as his breathing slowed down. He sat up and sighed rubbing his hands through his hair, he grabbed a bottle of Vodka that was sitting next to his smith and wesson and took a few gulps of it. He looked at himself in the mirror and cracked his neck, he heard his phone going off and rolled his eyes going back to his room.

"Yeah." He said.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked.

" Just woke up." Hoseok said.

"Good, open the door." He said hanging up.

"What." Hoseok said as he looked at his phone before standing up.

He opened the door and seen his longtime friend Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook walked inside Hoseok's small apartment and sighed as he seen what shape it was in.

"Jungkook what is it?" Hoseok asked flopping on the sofa.

"When is the last time you cleaned this place?" He asked covering his nose.

Hoseok rolled his eyes as he took a gulp from the liquor bottle. Jungkook heart saddened as he seen what has happened these past two years with his friend.

"A few friends of mine are taking this Job in the states, I figured you would be interested." He said sitting beside him.

"What Job? I hope it's not guarding any stores again. I'm not a rent a cop." Hoseok said annoyed.

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